
Two things can be true, and it’s true that Britney is both a victim and a terrible person herself. Great job enabling this person, internet.

i think britney’s children are better to judge her parenting than randos on the interwebs

Responding just to bump you higher — although I’m in the greys.

Trying to figure out why you’re backing Spears so hard after this quote. She not only took her body image issues out on Christina but also her back up dancers, who don’t have the clout to push back. Brittany is punching down not only at bigger people but people who are not in the position of power or influence that

I don’t get all the fucking anguish, crying, and other performative shite royalists and others are undertaking out of the delusion they had a personal connection to some 96 year old woman they didn’t know but likewise I also really don’t get people passionately and ecstatically celebrating her death as though said 96

JFC - do better. Everyone that’s covered the story has gone out of their way to NOT blame her except you and/or your headline writer. I notice that you CONVENIENTLY left out the rest of the police chief’s quote where he goes on to say that it is 100% not her fault.

Wonder what she will post that will finally make you stop making excuses for her shitty behavior.

The shit she said about her kids, and seeing the horrible things her stans are now saying about them, makes my blood boil. Those poor kids love their mom and don’t deserve the hate their getting.

So... she seems OK with it? Or at least, not that offended? While allowing she may get back at him?

This seems like it’s all going to be OK. I think the Twitter mob can retreat. 

Right? Obviously the author has never been to a Pentecostal church if she’s remotely confused by his beliefs. At least he’s (more or less) keeping them to himself instead of using Rolling Stone to proselytize.

People legit are either unwilling or unable to reconcile that a metric shitton of Black people are socially and religiously conservative. The ONLY reason they vote Democrat or don’t vote at all is because the GOP hasn’t found a way divorce their racism from their policies.

Do you have any close colleagues at The Root? Any that you trust to have a candid conversation about African-American culture? Someone you can ask open questions and receive respectful answers? I ask because I’m always surprised when people are surprised that outwardly/openly religious African Americans sometimes hold

that’s not rape

If you don’t want to watch sexual violence or uncomfortable intimacy onscreen you are free to skip said content. Progressive Puritans need to stop trying to dictate for other people what is and isn’t acceptable Art. This same old tired dumb fuck argument, (that fictional violence begets violence irl) has been

This is my story. Unfortunately, this report is not the truth. I know it sounds more interesting if I had been an evil pro-lifer at the time of my abortion, but that’s just not true. I’ve been a prochoice, women’s rights advocate for six years. I was prolife between the ages of 18-22, while I was in college. I was

Sweaty, you clearly missed the part in the linked story where she has been pro choice for the past decade since suffering a miscarriage- she actively lobbied AGAINST the Texas law. If anything, she probably picketed a crisis pregnancy center. But hey, it's much more fun to come to the comments without the full story

She didn’t support the anti-abortion law. For one to talk about group-think and lack of empathy, I’d expect you to actually show empathy and know the facts before going on a diatribe.

For all the hue and cry in these comments about lack of empathy and imagination, there’s not a lot of empathy or imagination in a lot of them. And not enough curiosity to find out more about this woman who’s campaigned for abortion rights since her experience 9 yearish ago (admittedly a detail not here but in the CNN

I’m having a hard time mustering up much sympathy, but it’s important that she’s speaking out. Many pro-life women have secret abortions and never change their stance, or else they use their own regrets as a weapon against women who aren’t them.

At this point I’ve just accepted it as a basic tenant of being human. It’s often taken a personal experience, or the experience of someone I hold dear, for me to understand another perspective. I feel we gotta work with that mechanic in our social engineering if we are to solve these problems.