
NDAs are a thing. Everybody is saying it but you are dead set on not believing what is abundantly clear to everyone else?

Black women, get with the program please! ‘We’ are only supposed to hate White Men!!!

It appears she’s like white dominant society is blaming black men for her failures.”

Likely an unpopular take here and not advocating physical violence. However, I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for six years. Never laid a hand on me, but convinced me I was a nothing person, wasted my time by pretending to be a faithful, loyal man to me and destroyed my trust by living a duplicitous life

Of course! What pathetic piece of shit calls the cops on his wife and the mother of his infant child, while she is taking care of that child, because she reacted in an understandable, if unacceptable, after finding out he just blew up her entire life.  This guy is a fucking asshole whose musical imitation of Jack

If you attended Johns Hopkins to study without a scholarship what you did was make an entirely voluntary choice that taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for covering. There’s absolutely zero country on the planet including that foot that kind of bill for their citizens. University costs in Europe are much lower, and

I don’t usually post but I created an account so I could reply to this. I’ll be honest, when I read this headline, I was immediately exasperated.

Holy shit! You’re absolutely right, in the 80s & 90s as a kid, it was always conservatives losing their shit about entertainment content. And publicly embarrassing themselves with their “morality” campaigns.

Jesus. What the fuck is wrong with you?


So, just not going to mention the other pieces of this plan - like no interest if you’re making your monthly payments? Capping the income based payment at 5% of discretionary income instead of 10%? Oh, what about reducing the amount that’s consider discretionary in the first place?

The actual dollar forgiveness is just

I’m an attorney who graduated with $120k in student loans and my wife is Pharm. D. who left residency with $280k in student loans. We together just make under the $250k cap for figevness.

Hey there, I am the orthopedic surgeon mentioned and I just want to say a lot of what is written here was oversimplified. I come from a poor background (food stamps, free school lunches) and JUST graduated (so haven’t made any money yet). I wrote many times in my response to Kylie that I know I am so lucky (many

Colloquially known as “most people.”

Yeah I know this is just par for the course with Jez at this point and I shouldn’t be surprised but still it annoys me to see this BS. Especially when it’s so blatant. Absolutely no mention of anyone who’s in a situation that a large chunk of borrowers are in.

All of these examples are outliers. More than half of borrowers owe $20,000 or less and about one-third have $10,000 or less.

What long lines? That sounds bogus. 

Long lines? It’s August 2022, you don’t need to wait in line to get vaccinated. Put a mask on your kid and go to literally any pharmacy and get vaccinated. No lines involved. 

Ok, you need to get a grip on this one. You take their lack of intimate familiarity with the intricacies of how Plan B works and then substitute conservative’s anti-abortion arguments. But are those 3 Democratic Representatives anti-abortion? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Nadler literally has a 100% pro-choice voting record from

I’m sorry but using an orthopedic surgeon as an example in this article is just mind bogglingly dumb, not to mention irrelevant to 95% of all people who have student debt in the this country.