
I don’t think anyone should harm him or encourage others to harm him. I do think it’s okay for women to alert other women when a man who committed a rape while intoxicated is frequenting bars again though. 

I think the same thing when I see folks giving Tyson and Kobe a pass.

I sympathize with parents because even the vigilant ones can’t catch everything their kids do or see online.

I guess everyone has forgotten how this guy made Finding Your Roots take out that his family owned slaves. Nobody had ever done that and plenty of white celebrity’s ancestors owned slaves. They all accepted that. Only he wanted it out. And they frikk'n did it! I was shocked at Dr Gates agreeing to that. You don’t like

“I think they are following this guy because they are looking for an excuse to be the misogynistic assholes they want to be.”

We’re not having the same conversation here, I think. I’m saying there are other examples of people who can help you become a good man, if being a good man is what you wish to be. You don’t want to listen to Jordan Peterson? Fine. Listen to the Art of Manliness. Listen to, if we’re using TikTok as an example, Tank

Hispanic is not a race. 

The kid’s mom said it wasn’t a thing. That means the KID said it. And we are.

The property used to be a plantation. There are slaves buried there. He chose to build a house that resembles a plantation house, on that property.

Fair points, but i think technology plays a role in that too. Look at TV for instance: 50 years ago there were only 3 channels so a good show or performer was much more likely to be universally known than today where the landscape is much more fragmented and niche with lower barriers to entry.

The enormity of the violation was the point??? It’s supposed to be traumatic. Literally the first thing they teach about writing is “show, don’t tell”. Like honestly... it’s absolutely an individual’s prerogative to say “I’m not interested in depictions of the violence of the patriarchy” but that was pretty explicitly

There are thousands of trans individuals who are thrown out of homes because of who they are. Many end up on the streets and turning to sex work to get by. Guess what, if someone is trans; they are trans. Nothing the parents do will change that. The parents can either show support or not. If they choose not to, they

When we say tear it down, burn it down, eat the rich, bring out the guillotines, etc., we mean the rich women, too. If the ultra rich showing off their wealth getting their feelings hurt is a bad thing, maybe this website and everyone around it should rethink everything? Yeah, when the guillotines come out and the

The entire premise of this show is the horrors of how misogynistic and patriarchal this society is. So if that’s something you weren’t aware of already and will bother you, let it be clear and stop watching. Instead of making an article like this every week to complain about the same thing.

This just made me think how interesting it is that we as a culture, especially women if we can trust the demographic data, are obsessed with true crime and specifically violence against women. We celebrate these shows. There are probably hundreds of podcasts about the topic. We devour these stores about very real

The on-screen events of House of the Dragon on Sunday hit too close to home when they simply didn’t need to.

This show (and GOT) is basically all violence. Why should they limit it to happening to men and animals only?

So you’re “enraged” that the magazine didn’t overrule her wishes and force her to take the photos showing what she calls her “deformity” as though it was some fucking Elephant Man-esque “expose” to serve as a prop for your agenda...

The point of comedy is to break down barriers and be dangerous. If you are offended by something, stay away from it. Don’t cancel it because you don’t agree with what the comedian is saying. Comedy is the antithesis of the 1st amendment, freedom of speech. If you are for cancelling something due to your thoughts on

Being online is essential today in order to be heard.