
It’s telling what you pulled out of the article. Another take: he was wasted, poured a beer on her head, then aggressively made a move at one of their kids? She jumped on him, they scuffled, and sustained injuries. Then he ... started punching the plane? But sure, known muscle-dude Pitt must’ve been fucking terrified

My understanding is that the FBI didn’t file charges because Pitt had scratches on his face. Read that in some article yesterday.

It should not matter what Kravitz’s partners did or didn’t do, it shouldn’t matter what people she knew, or how she likes her toast, or what type of ice cream she preferred in grade school - it should be noncontroversial to say that slapping the shit out of someone is assault, it is wrong, and it is always wrong.

Tweets pointed out Kravitz’s past romantic relationship Ezra Miller, who has been accused of sexual abuse.”

Yeah, I love coming to Jezebel to see feminist takes like “Women are fucking idiots who can’t make important decisions until they’re at least 26.”

I don’t get why this is newsworthy. We get these stories literally every single time a Black actor gets a role. Some internet dipshits said some non-descript racist garbage. Who cares? I wish we could stop reporting on things that anonymous nobodies say online as though it’s an actual event. 

There are an awful lot of people spouting off their opinions on what two consenting adults are doing with their lives. Taking a page from the conservative’s playbook, are we?

Predator? Fuck  you.

Woman can do what they want with their bodies!..... Except date who they want!

Which is completely fair.

Yes, Pugh is only 24. Why, that’s nowhere near consenting adult age! She’s no different from a 12-year-old and must be protected! No way she can make her own decisions regarding who she wants to date!

We had a stretch in the 90s of these relationships. Beatty-Bennning; Douglas-Zeta Jones and Ford-Flockhart

When I was 24, the Tom Selleck run of Friends was happening. Every woman my age in my circle of friends would have thrown each and every one of us guys over the side for him.

I think the kid needs to get a handle on dealing with emotions.

It appears it was your education that was shitty. Your reading comprehension is terrible.

So wait...the girl merely SAW this, didn’t partake?

I get it, kid felt it when she saw the project (which apparently she was not required to participate in). However, you want kids to engage in history and actually learn it and feel it, this hands on learning will work. Parents were not informed of the project? In LAUSD teachers put their assignments on Schoology, and

Came to find white people bragging about how they don’t say that word and didn’t have too look far. Never change white people, never change.

The excess of spare time is key. I have a theory that all of this nonsense - from the dildo issue to anti-trans PTA to those people who wanted to send the librarian to jail - is really driven by women who, due to religious beliefs, aren’t allowed to have real careers. They’re not supposed to work (and even if they’re

Ugh. Get over it