
This guy got six months:

Or they could just write an article. It’s just so lazy. If I wanted to watch videos, I’d be on YouTube.

The reality is that her earnings go 40% minimum to taxes and another 20% to the leaches. You can’t blame her to falling into the notion of “money from heaven” because she is famous. The housing costs in LA are stupid expensive and $3M on a home isn’t some huge palace, not withstanding the comments about the gate which

Also- I think the GOP misread the situation and thought for years that the majority of people were voting for them because they opposed abortion, not in spite of it. I think this shows that a lot of people were so sure that Roe was a done deal that they were voting GOP for a myriad of other reasons and just assuming

I teach economics to HS students, and I think it’s both interesting and instructive to hear about the financial reality of being a working actor. Sure, she’s rich and only 24, but $3M for a house in a city where the median price is north of $1M isn’t outrageous, and all of the costs she talks about (plus taxes) are

Turns out championing diversity over making a quality product isn’t the quadrillion dollar windfall Twitter has lead us to believe!

Great questions! Generally, publishing rights and subsequent royalties are divided evenly among the writers, unless otherwise agreed. Furthermore, it will depend on what contract terms each writer is or may be under. So, it really boils down to how many rights-holders there are (as in copyrights). There could be

Your response reads like the critics of Melissa Leo’s paid for “For Your Consideration” ads and Leo still won her Oscar. It’s leveraging what you got on a gamble. It’s economics. Plus, it’s breaking down barriers and myths about old Hollywood. I sat, break em down! That old system only benefited 1 demographic. 

This is on my watch list. Back in my day we just lied about normal things like our cousin dying from poprocks or being related to Six from Blossom.

Celebrity stans are the worst and I don’t understand why any person capes so hard for celebs. Beyoncé has a history of doing questionable things when it comes to songwriting credits- and yes, sampled music should absolutely be credited BUT having listened to Renaissance and actually listened to the lyrics…..whew,

Unpopular opinion - she is an awful person of mediocre talent who treats people awfully. She has not one tenth the talent of Eryka Badu, Janelle Monae, Lauryn Hill, or a dozen other singers. Sorry, not sorry - too much B worship gets on my nerves.

“Griner, meanwhile, was playing in Russia during the WNBA off-season because the league’s players earn so much less money than their male counterparts”

Spoiled is certainly not the word I would call her but I do think that it absolutely smacks of privilege that she is receiving such heavy lobbying for release when there are several thousand people in our jails for the exact same crime who are not going anywhere - which none of you seem to recognize. Nor do you want

9/10 people whining about celebrity emissions are people who deny climate change even exists. It’s not a good argument for what we need to change in the first place. Because we need larger societal changes, not 107 celebrities to cut back a little.

I get Kelis’ point. She wrote all her own music. She signed a bad contract with The Neptunes. She was in high school when she first began working with them. They knew she trusted them (youthful ignorance) and they used deception the swindle her out of her publishing. And now they're selling her artistry to the highest

The message is uplifting black women, but in practice it’s uplifting Beyonce (unless legally required to acknowledge someone else.)

Most notably of all, he did not apologize to Beyoncé.”

Definitely. I meant more like “and now we find out about all the 'uncredited collaborators' who she used for this album..."

And yet this blog hasn’t been covering the Ukrainian war, but did mention an expose in Vogue. Which is exactly why Olena Zelensky chose to push her country’s plight and dilemma beyond the news coverage into the uncomfortable realm of social and lifestyle coverage. So you can’t escape.

You obviously don't know what a communist regime is...