
How many dinners for the poor could that necklace could have paid for?
How many homeless could have slept in shelters at just half the cost of that car?
How many times has he told people to hold their money for Sunday’s collection, and he trades in a few rings instead?
If he were just a rich man, I’d leave it be. But a

“It’s my prerogative to take as much money from my congregation as they’re willing to give and lavishly spend it on myself even as my community struggles to supply their families adequate housing and food. If they want money, they should go start their own churches.”

It’s a gruesome and unjust setting, why are we still whining about this in 2022? Why are there no articles about the deaths or violence? Why can those stay but other horrible crimes like rape have to be memory holed and pretend it doesn’t exist? This franchise has been around since 1994. By now you should know if it’s

No one is being forced to watch it, lol.

The real assumption is that these vets are conservative Republicans 

I feel like it’s important to note that this is mostly cis people pushing for this. Like, it’s not entirely misplaced (there’s a whole article above this comment on why it’s not a bad idea), but at the end of the day trans folks are a tiny minority and we have slightly more pressing issues on our mind-like Floridians

A struggle can be similar but not the same. Trying to turn the very valid fears and concerns around reproduction and bodily autonomy that women have had for thousands of years before the first medical transition was even attempted into something that’s suddenly not inclusive enough is ridiculous. We should welcome

But what about the Black and Brown Transgender Midgets with Cleft Palettes? They have it EVEN WORSE!!!

I don’t mind Cortez as much as some of the hoteps/Islamophobic Aunt Jemima’s with fibroids around here, but making out to be cuffed in photographs when there’s full video showing you haven’t been is one of those dumb moves.

This was literally proven to be a political stunt immediately after it happened. None of them were ever cuffed, they just told the cops to escort them then crossed their arms behind their backs to act like they were being arrested. There’s literally footage of Ilhan Omar walking out from the group by herself, but

I thought it was proven that AOC was not arrested via video footage.  She was escorted away. 

The facts behind his murder by police and the fact that that woman was the one who got it all started has nothing to do with the fact that a decent father wouldn’t be pushing aside the fact that the police killed his son to talk about the courage of the person who got the ball rolling.

Making every black person killed by police a martyr leaves you in a position where you are defending terrible people who got themselves killed by the police and lessens the ability to point out actual bad police behavior, of which there is plenty. This story assumes he was killed for being black and anyone who reads

Right?? Both sites used to be thoughtful and had well written critiques (along with the occasional gossipy bits). Now it’s all just inflammatory articles and sensationalism. 

X files are one thing, but I fail to see what is so honorable in a grown woman not knowing who one of the majir political player of her country is.

TheRoot lives off of spewing vitriol and nonsense to rile up commentors. Same as Jezebel. Which is a shame, since as a white dude living in a city that is 99% white (not joking :( ) I don’t have many reliable sources for news that impacts women or minorities, so I am left dealing with Jezebel and TheRoot more often

Jesus I want to punch every person there who said “You’re alive!”, dismissing her pain and terror at nearly having her children and herself killed by the alleged gunman. Fuck them all to hell with a rusty pole for doing that. Somebody shoots into your home and tries / almost kills your babies, you are allowed to

Wow, I feel for! She should never have to plead her case like this. This is heart breaking. I'm  with her 100%.

Always seems like when we get a gun totin’, gang bangin’ fatherless Black dude he is having a mental crisis when he decides to shoot up a place. This punk shot up a woman’s apartment with her kids there while she was cooking dinner. Then lo and behold guess who shows up? Yup BLM lol! AND The Root like race pimp

A lot of Fox News watchers don’t even know that Trump’s three picks for the Supreme Court are the ones that finally tipped the scales to allow all this to happen. This is why it’s still important for people to engage with people trapped in that information silo. You won’t save them all, but you don’t need to. You just