
it isnt that uncommon. basically it means they require full transition, hardly the only country in the world to do so.

This may sound worse than it is and essentially be a requirement for bottom surgery to avoid things like the spectacle of a legal man being pregnant or a legal woman fathering a child. I think sterilization is incidental to most transition surgery as it would be very difficult to change hormone levels with the other parts of the country and the world...people are suffering actual real death and persecution. Nice to have so much energy left over for a toy train display. #First world problems.

They said that they thought of Roe as established precedent. As far as I know, nobody asked them if they believed that established precedent was more important than their religious/political beliefs or what their Federalist Society masters ordered them to do.

Then let's find some solutions.  People take drugs to feel better when life sucks.  Let's figure out how to make life not suck for them.....

To be fair he’s shown some acumen at being a bureau wonk. People (conservatives and “moderate” democrats) scoff at his talk about the highway system being racist, but it’s probably the only actual aspect of Critical Race Theory being addressed by any major standing body in the USA.

I mean, it’s easy to say “we want someone else,” but the “who” of it all is the part where nobody will agree. I doubt any one person would be above 36%. 

There are segments of the media that are very LONG in their criticism of Dave Chappelle and Macy Gray ... but very SHORT when it comes to addressing the fundamental question .... “Where’s the lie?” This “debate” essentially boils down to the premises one chooses to accept. For those who choose to conflate “Gender

It’s because of IVF. I’m shocked more people don’t know this but also not shocked. 

Um...I think the mass rape and torture of the women of Ukraine by Russians might be Jezebel’s bailiwick. Instead of posting the same article over and over about one woman being treated unjustly by Russia while all of the aforementioned raping and torturing is happening in the background. But yeah, sarcasm’s cooler.

Just want to point out the number of Brittney Griner articles (daily?) vs the number of articles about the atrocities being committed against the people of Ukraine (um, when was the last one?). I get this is a (supposedly) feminist website and not dearly departed Splinter, but can we start with this?

I will have to take your word about People with Prostrates, I have not seen that used anywhere.

Instead of shining a light on the corporate interests, collusion, corruption, and the true source of these problems, the media is giving space to anyone willing to whine about Biden not acting like a tyrant who can wave a magic wand and force the Legislature and the Supreme Court to do whatever he says. Why, because

Everyone who thinks Richmond is wrong, substitute your favorite whoever for Biden, every Democrat in the House, and everyone in the majority caucus in the Senate except Manchin and Sinema (because no one to their left is going to get elected in their respective jurisdictions). Now tell me what your dream team could do

It is insane to blame Biden for high gas prices and it is insane to blame Biden for Roe v. Wade being overturned. First, the greedy oil companies are private and they are the reason for high gas prices. This has absolutely nothing to do with Biden. All Biden can do is force these private companies to pay higher taxes,

Most people are good people, but the radical Left is looking for enemies where they don’t exist because it’s easier to bend a public person who’s spent her career championing the rights of women and queer people into an apology than it is to change the minds of the real monsters on the radical Right.

First there was that juror taking advantage of the limelight and saying lots of dumb things but if this is true what was already a farce of a trial just looks even more fucking incompetent.

The New York Times Op Ed actually made some really fantastic points and everyone should give it a read. It’s not merely about using inclusive language, its about basically eliminating an entire gender, one that has already struggled for equal rights throughout history. Both sides can be wrong.