
She HAD to go to Russia. She’s underpaid! She makes more money than most Americans but she’s underpaid!

I kinda hope she runs for office.

saying “defund the police” was pretty much telling people to “Please elect republicans instead” Its a slogan that helps the left, but inflames the right more so, making it self defeating.

Agreed. Allowing the second hand story that he lunged at the steering wheel into the record was an unforced error. Democrats seem to think if only we can shock republicans, maybe the GOP will hold Trump accountable. But nothing will convince the right. The right have been looking for any excuse to help them declare

Remember this: children do not ask to be born. Children do not choose their parents. Children do not consent to adoption, or foster care, or being raised fundie, or being stuck in abusive households, or poverty, or or or…

So wait...Griner’s wife literally wants to meet with Biden? Not like an administration representative but the President of the United States.......

Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor were arrested and locked up in Russia for nearly 3 years, and there was zero evidence presented that either of them had broken any law. We only got them back because we had Huawei exec (and daughter of Huawei’s billionaire founder) Meng Wanzhou under arrest and therefore had

2016 had consequences. And ones you won’t undo with protests.

The cops will straight up open fire on leftists/progressives if they showed up armed to a protest and will mow down anyone in front of them, armed or not.”

You know, there's several other people being detained by Russia that did not exhibit the arrogance or stupidity of bringing drugs through the airport in Russia. Why don't you write about them? 

That’s not what the numbers say. There was a 10% “defection” rate, but, then again there always is (the Clinton to McCain vote in 2008 was actually higher)

I don’t get the cynical reaction to Democrats’ call for people to vote. It’s not a one time thing, you can’t just show up every 4 years. You got to vote every year, for every level of government: local, state, and federal. The Trump years should’ve taught us how fragile democracy is. 

More Sanders supporters voted for Clinton in 2016 than Hillary supporters did for Obama. And even if every single Bernie primary voter went for Hillary, Trump would have still won.
So, please, quit tis rhetoric, or people are gonna start with RBG next.

Easier to blame Sanders than just admit that Hillary didn't run a great campaign or they didn't drive enough friends to the polls!

Yes. Again, yes. The Biden administration wants you to vote.

If Bernie was a young Black woman you wouldn’t hear any of these arguments. I honestly believe the “Bernie Bro” backlash is rooted in hatred for Old White Jews as much as anything else. Of course saying this will bring out the haters, like Jewish people have never faced reprehensible bigotry before and are in fact the

If your bar for danger is dissenting opinions then no place is safe so long as it's occupied by anyone who thinks.

It’s not transphobic to question the fairness of trans women competing against biological women. That’s called critical thinking or debate. It’s not inherently transphobic to have questions about something. Saying that is just a method to shut down meaningful debate.

I would start with some youtube videos! There’s also events occasionally where drag queens will do drag queen makeovers and I’m certain that some would be open to doing it for a little $.

I have mixed feelings about the attention Jezebel is giving to this. I feel for the Griners, but the regular articles about how upset Cherelle (understandably) is while paying little or no attention to not-famous people in similar circumstances AND ignoring the realities of trying to deal with Russia right now reminds