
Had to switch from Walgreens years ago because they refused to fill my uncle’s pain meds when he was dying from cancer. At first they would just lie and claim to be out of stock. Finally they just admitted they don’t feel comfortable filling opioid prescriptions. It’s unfortunate that my fellow progressives cheer the

They don't ban these accounts for whatever reason. I just don't understand. They just let the trolls do whatever they want 

Jesus Christ, get a job, get some friends, get a therapist. You have way too much free time 

But this site refuses to do anything about our resident racist/misogynistic troll. Clean up your own house 

Every time you include Nicola in an article, you should remind people that she pushed a member of "the help" down the stairs. That girl and her abusive to staff parents disgust me, and anyone (looking at you Selena) who willingly spend time with her are also repulsive. If Selena wasn't rich and famous, Nicola would

I'm still fuming about how CA totally f'd over the Turpin kids. Those kids received a huge amount of money but it hasn't made it to their pockets, to the point where the older ones didn't have money for food or bus fair. And some of the younger ones were placed in a foster home where they ended up being abused again.

Do I think people should be in prison for drug crimes? No. But I don't really understand the idea of doing away with prisons. What do we do with people who murder? Rape? I believe there needs to be consequences for people who commit crimes and they shouldn't be able to escape those consequences because they want to

Sorry I'm confused. How long is a baby a get out of jail free card? You say it's cruel to cage mothers, but I can't imagine you're saying that mothers, no matter what the crime, shouldn't go to prison. Can you clarify?

Ugh I wish she and others understood that people don't have a problem with famous kids following in their parents footsteps. We have a problem with people who refuse to admit that their connections helped them in any way, or when they say things like they had to work twice as hard as people with no connections. We're

It's not like he's made one mistake. And he's had multiple accusations since 2017. He's a POS who's never had to face real consequences, but it's also not worth it to me to attack every person who still works with him 

Yea I don't understand how this site can complain about the stuff that Facebook and Twitter allows, while they do nothing about the racist and misogynistic trolls overtaking the comments section 

Dude, what’s your deal? I’m truly curious. You spend a large chunk of your day, everyday, coming to a website to troll people you don’t agree with. Sorry your life sucks so much that saying cruel things to strangers is the only thing that gets the dopamine flowing these days. We’re all a bit pathetic, myself included,

Yea I kept waiting for something to happen and it just never did

I hate celeb “partnerships”. It’s not like Beyonce or most of these other celebs are sitting around designing clothes and products. I’d love to make millions sitting on my ass just because I let some company use my name. Especially celebs who claim to care so much about social justice, but turn a blind eye to all the

Must be nice to not have to worry about Russian soldiers raping or murdering your unaborted daughter. How dare people in Ukraine want that to stop. And you keep saying you're broke, what tax dollars are you contributing?

Right? I really don't see how the dad is the one being unreasonable here

I say this as a Jew, Israel demonizes itself. I believe in helping Israel protect itself, not forcibly removing people from their land and homes so they can build more illegal settlements

Space in his schedule isn't the problem and you're making quite the accusation based on what? That he's a man? He has the time and wants to spend it with his baby. Mom's been saying no, that he can have an hour in-between feedings. She's the one that seems to be controlling the situation. 

It's not detrimental for a baby to not be able to bond with their father?

So this man's an asshole for wanting to spend time and bond with his child?