Propaganda? So it's fine for parents without breasts to not be able to bond with their own children?
Propaganda? So it's fine for parents without breasts to not be able to bond with their own children?
So what's the other option? Dad basically gets no visitation until mom decides she's done breastfeeding?
I had one of my top front teeth extracted back in September due to severe gum recession which left it very loose. I'm getting an implant, but by the time it's in and healed, it'll be nearly a full year of not having a front tooth. I can't imagine my job being on the line because of it and I can't imagine being given a…
That's my question to. Someone shouldn't be able to get out of a lawsuit just because they're good at hiding.
The conspiracy theories her fans come up with are unreal. It's easier for them to believe she's dead or being held hostage than it is for them to believe she's actually mentally ill. It's also interesting that they'll complain Sam isn't getting her help. One of the points of ending the c-ship is that she can't be…
It's disappointing that they showed the NC17 version for festivals but are releasing the R rated version in theaters. Lame
And fentanyl wouldn't be as big an issue if Dems hadn't participated in the war on pain meds. Unintended consequences? Who could have seen that coming!? Everyone's dying but at least my elderly Abuela was refused anything more than Motrin after getting her leg amputated
I don't think any outside influence caused her to have a mental illness, it runs in her family. Was being in the spotlight helpful? Certainly doesn't seem like it. I feel for her because I was also forced into treatment. My parents blackmailed me into getting ECT and it was extremely traumatic. But as I got older, I…
I don't understand how women would want to have a child with someone who treats their existing child as well, non existent. It's gross to be involved with one child but not the other, solely based on their relationship with the mother. Tristan Thompson, Owen Wilson, etc
Yea, this kind of stuff makes it even harder for people to get taken seriously by docs and nurses. My roommate had a seizure while we sat down for dinner. But her tongue badly, blood everywhere, but no pee. Not everyone is drug or attention seeking
Trying to enjoy the last few MLK days before the FBI tapes of him supposedly participating in a woman's rape get released in 2027. If true, the racists are really gonna have a field day
Because every time she opens her mouth, it's obvious she's mentally ill. No one here is advocating for her to be locked away in an institution, but her having a mental illness is not some conspiracy. And you don't need to be a threat to anyone to be mentally ill. And she certainly used to be a threat to her kids.…
Britney was the only one who cost Britney her freedom. The media and fans didn't cause her to hand her 2 toddlers to her security detail while she locked herself in her room getting high.
And lack of contouring!
Yea at least he apologized, but people here are obsessed with Rihanna, no matter what offensive shit comes out of her mouth. I always liked her, but the more I learned about her, the more I realized she's probably not a very good person
Haha I just said the same thing in another post
So many pathetic people out there. Anyway, still nothing on Lisa Marie?
I have that, proctalgia fugax. Worst pain I've ever experienced
I'm so grateful I never went to school with a uniform or strict dress code. Somehow we all managed to still learn
Lol and we're supposed to see Kate as an asshole for not being enthusiastic about sharing lip gloss? I won't even share a drink with someone. And I wouldn't appreciate someone I'm still getting to know, commenting on my hormone levels