
What good are they actually doing? They spin themselves as philanthropists but they never want to actually give away any of their own money 

And I thought he got therapy when his ex convinced him to, before Megan 

Yea I never understood that and wish Oprah had pushed back in that interview. He already had a therapist when she wanted to get help. He certainly knew how to get one, and honestly, she did too. Just because some HR type staffer was unable to help doesn't mean she was denied therapy. He could have gotten a

Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with you?

Good Lord, I’m sorry interracial relationships cause you so much turmoil, but leave these people alone. And while I hate cheaters, it happens everyday and it's a little disingenuous for his wife to act all shocked when even she had stopped wearing her wedding band well before any of this came out

I immediately figured it was lawyers. They've left much more embarrassing posts up. I didn't even get to read it yet lol

What happened to the Henry Cavill post? Y'all took it down already?

Damn, a Leo post got over 50 comments but this gets nothing. Pretty pathetic 

Grateful I went to a "liberal" high school where they'd tell us in assembly that minors couldn't get abortions without parental consent in our state, but if we needed one, our school nurse would drive us to New Jersey to get one 

It doesn't help that many black women have turned their backs on her too

Thank you, I really appreciate that. I immediately regretted posting it as I thought all the replies would be critical of me, which is fair. It is cruel for me to be dismissive of Brit, but her lashing out at EVERYONE, her own kids and even the poor Jack in the Box employee who was just trying to be nice to her is

I’m not against it, but there’s a lot about it that makes me uncomfortable. Like the poster above said, her 48 year old daughter has already spent 100 grand trying to get pregnant, which is just obscene to me. I realize it's probably because I have no strong desire to have children, but spending that kind of money to

Jezebel has always been heavy on the celeb gossip, this place didn't use to take itself so seriously. And no, it's not fabricated. Jlo's attitude towards "the help" or those under her has been well established for decades and my own friend has seen it first hand working in a Vegas casino 

MGTs face is.... something 

I can tell them apart cause MTG has a very masculine face, which I assume is why she hates trans people so much. She's jealous most trans women look more feminine than she does. The other one tries to look feminine so her husband stops exposing himself to teenagers 

Her fans come up with every excuse... except for the obvious one, she's not well and they're not entitled to know the specifics. Her posting habits are basically identical to a number of mentally ill people I know, and no, all her issues aren't from the fact she was in a conservatorship. And Brit, you've had plenty of

Unfortunately it's only gotten worse with the war on opioids. I burst into tears cause a doc screamed at me for being a drug seeker, then didn't even apologize when I said through the sobs that I only wanted an MRI. My friend had her leg amputated and was only given IV Tylenol while docs still offer opioids to my

What jobs should those people be allowed to have?

I could be mistaken, but I was under the impression those schools were created to be “open to all.” Obviously it was because other schools weren’t admitting black students, but they weren’t created to be solely for black people. So they had white profs from the start. Also, they were some of the few schools that

Do we really need to overthink everything? Chill out, not everything is toxic or abusive