Also? In case Mr. President anyone is wondering: I have a legal background, I look great in black AND I already own a lace collar. I also like to bang on things with a wooden hammer.
Also? In case Mr. President anyone is wondering: I have a legal background, I look great in black AND I already own a lace collar. I also like to bang on things with a wooden hammer.
A Supreme Court justice, ideally, is not a Democrat or a Republican but rather someone who can impartially evaluate complicated legal issues irrespective of politics.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died only Saturday, but with the stop of his pulse came a firestorm of debate…
I reread the books recently and it was interesting how the characters differ so slightly...and yet it makes a difference....from the films. Ron was a big one. He provides a lot of insight and humor in the books that the film version lacked. Remus also has a lot more character development in the books.....Snape in…
I found it really interesting to learn that Steven Kloves (who adapted all but one of the books - either OotP or HBP, don’t remember) doesn’t exactly say that he doesn’t like Ron, but does say he much prefers Hermione, which explains why he gave a lot of book!Ron’s dialogue and plot points to movie!Hermione. I am…
I think book Ron is way better than movie Ron even though both are ugh to me.....but his relationship with Hermoine made perfect sense imo. We all know type A people and sometimes if they get with fellow type As it is a fucking disaster. Ron and Hermoine seem to balance each other out since he’s more of a type B and…
Yes. I always liked that Ron and Hermione were together and not Harry and Hermione.
Hillary Clinton’s 3-page memo to the media really makes it sound like she’s not expecting to win the nomination, period =\ ... And the talk I’m hearing regarding Sanders ground game in South Carolina seem to support that conclusion =\ .
It’s interesting how many Bernie supporters I’m seeing believe misandry is a real thing. And wanting one of 45 presidents to finally be female is an example of this egregious anti-male systemic oppression.
I don’t think that Bernie Sanders - although I like him a lot and may vote for him in the primary, I’m still undecided - will fight for women’s representation and women’s rights as hard as Hillary Clinton will. He is hyperfocused on economic issues, and has had a hard time actually being more intersectional. Even when…
The GOP messaging about Hillary being an evil overlord was supposed to scare off swing voters.
I honestly am not all that bothered by this. You have a moment in time where women of a certain age can actually see the first woman POTUS and they are fired up about it. I liken it to the way that black people were ramped up over Barack Obama. I had older family members who were pretty militant about all of us in the…
This definitely exemplifies the split between kind of the “old guard” feminism and “new wave” feminism. Because of the work people like Steinem and Albright have done and the progress made because of it, women today have the luxury of not necessarily needing to prioritize “women’s issues” above larger ones. It must be…
Somehow, “she loved pandas” really landed a gut punch. Poor baby.
People didn’t want more Ghostbusters? That’s news to me.
I have all of the hype for this movie.
Aah, hipster disdain, the great equalizer. :)
Thank you so much. That means a lot, especially because I know firsthand the harassment you expose yourself to when you publicly support a woman. We Hillary supporters tend to stay silent ( I was for a long time), because we are afraid of being harassed (rightfully so, I get called uneducated bitch, feminazi daily by…
This is fun. Liberals love MSNBC and don’t want Bernie to bail on this week’s debate. Hillary is way behind in NH and has nothing to lose by debating this week. And yet, she, like everyone else, doesn’t want to deal with Brooklyn hipsters.