Yeah, honestly, I probably use like as a filler more than uh or um. Though, the map is dead on for me as a Bay Area native— I use both but uh more often.
Yeah, honestly, I probably use like as a filler more than uh or um. Though, the map is dead on for me as a Bay Area native— I use both but uh more often.
I saw that headline and at first glance I took it to mean that the Kimye marriage was ending, as in that it ONLY lasted that long and I had an actual pang of sadness about it. I'm quite surprised by my own reaction. I didn't realize I'd care at all but I guess I'd be kind of bummed if they broke up. They're so…
Hah, I have actually witnessed someone I was dining with make the chicken fried steak mistake. But they were cheerful in admitting their own idiocy when it was pointed out.
This video cracked me up and I wish that's why I spelled your name wrong but the truth is much simpler: it's super loud back there, you fuckers mumble and I just don't really care that much. Sorry, Nykal.
My niece's dance class all had to wear the same color tights even though it looked bizarre on all of the girls! It was way too light for the brown girls and way too dark for the white girls. I guess they were going for uniformity but I found it super distracting that no ones bottom half matched their top half.
No, thank you.
Best cure for a hangover? Youth.
Gotta admit, I saw the word debased and Mark's name and got VERY nervous to click this.
Aww, poor Brit. I hope she puts on a playlist of her own inspirational breakup songs (Stronger, Womanizer, Shattered Glass, etc) and dances it off.
Uh, are you not supposed to drink holy water? I think I might have an apology note to write.
I was on a 2 hour flight, final leg of an 8 hour trip. Late night, the cabin lights are low, the middle seat is empty. I'm looking forward to sleeping through the whole thing. But I had the misfortune of sitting next to a delightful gentleman who, in a mere two hours, managed to do all of the following:
I had tons of freckles growing up but as I've ages they've faded to the point that now it just looks like I have sort of weird uneven skin. They darken up a tiny bit in the summer, but I'm so vigilant about shade and hats and sunscreen, that they never really get back to looking like real freckles. I miss them :( I…
I love this because you gotta wonder how many times he did this unprompted at work before someone was like, "Dude, you gotta put this on YouTube."
Ugh, I'm an idiot and misread the post. As penance I promise to start using fuck your mouth so it become slang and eventually a tiny little potty mouth child will actually say it after being doused with ice water.
Ugh, I'm an idiot and misread the post. As penance I promise to start using fuck your mouth so it become slang and eventually a tiny little potty mouth child will actually say it after being doused with ice water.
Mark, she's clearly saying fuckin' hell. You need to let this fuck your mouth thing go.
Didn't we reach PEAK NUTELLA a while ago? I feel like I've already seen nutella backlash starting. This seems like poor timing, hopping on the trend when it's on the down swing.
This makes me like pandas MORE.
How hard is it to just lean forward and ask the person politely if they'd mind not reclining? If a very tall person asked me nicely not to recline, I would happily agree because it's not a big deal to me. But if they handed me that idiotic "courtesy" card, I'd be pissed. I mean, wouldn't be pissed enough to ground a…
<gif of Creed Bratton, "That wasn't a tape worm.">