
Those stumps they sit on must be hard on the butt!

I've watched the whole season now, but when I made my comment I had only watched up to this episode recapped above. The way your comment is written, I thought you were giving away specific events in an upcoming episode. Even if it's true that B&B have been moving towards each other, my suggestion came from the

Well, it IS a sitcom, where things are often presented as oppositional in order to have conflict. Like I wrote elsewhere, in a perfect world, they would talk it out and realize they both have the same needs and would spend half the year at one house and half the year at the
other — desert and the ocean, the best of

Ah! I'm in agreement with you there. But I'm not a big fan of both sons. They act like 16 year olds. The other one is a kid in a suit at a law firm. I get that Coyote is supposed to be immature, but what is the other's excuse?

Great recaps, Kayla! Thank you for the season. I don't always agree with everything you say but I appreciate your generosity towards all the characters and their plots. I also appreciate your opening comments about having a complex friendship like G&F have in your childhood — me, too. It is nice to imagine that same

Bud and the girlfriend are both painful to watch for me. Both boys still feel like caricatures versus rounded characters, with the emotional intelligence of 16 year olds.

Which one is Ethan Embry?

Jane is definitely my favorite out of all of them. I think she is doing the best work and makes her character the most believable.

Also, like that guy would really care about the theater?? at all?? Ha!

Oh, I left a comment a bit upthread that expresses my defense of Jacob. I don't think he's so bad.

Well, it did start off with him saying he wasn't sure how serious it was between them, that they had never discussed a future together, so you can't be angry that he had a plan in place. And there's nothing wrong with Frankie helping him move and checking Santa Fe out. I think the best of all possible worlds would be

Jacob had bought a house in Santa Fe to retire in. And I think he said his son lived there. So it made sense that he'd want to go there. Plus, it *is* Frankie's kind of place, all things considered.

Frankie was hiding from the GRAPES in the vineyard.

I believe Jane must have given Lily the name of her plastic surgeon. Lily has definitely had work done, but it was done very well. They both look beautiful and not pulled or as if wearing a mask like so many women that age.

Maybe due to the popularity of Hamilton?

You should mark your comment with spoiler brackets.

I think maybe the irritating aspects of the character are saved by the lovability of Lily Tomlin. I do think she has chemistry with Jacob, though.

The Graduate!
The Manchurian Candidate

I still think Coyote is incredibly immature. He behaves and talks like a child. I find it rather irritating. Of all the characters he is the one that bugs me.

She only gets one bonus clip at the CBS website and its buried way back in the queue. I'm worried about her. She's one of my faves.