woo,girl. *fans self*
woo,girl. *fans self*
no,just too many romance novels. ;p
ha! i wish that i was a lesbian. the label that fits me is 'pansexual'.
yeah,but the fact is that men run the fashion industry—that includes gay men. why do you think the female models*look like like emaciated boys instead of healthy women?
he is? do share!
i'm not into fashion or make up;t-shirts,jeans and tennis shoes for me. and,plenty of women do that for themselves.
what's "slash fanfiction"?
gives me the creeps. kids supposedly saying rather vulgar things about sex? no.
yeah,with people outside of the media.
hell,i'm betting that a lot of people from each group's responsible for objectifying one another.
yeah,but,what do you have to say about gay men and their misogyny towards women?
i should have specified that i was interested in a natural solution—some magical plant that's been discovered in the amazon rain forest or something.
fashion industry. done.
wonderful! i see so much misogyny from gay men (youtube/media) and i always wanted to know,like,why? why? thank you for such an eye-opening ,informative article.
adorable! for some reason,i imagined jimmy fallon's voice while reading your post.
poor thing... hopefully,he gets on the right track.