i figured as much. since my posts to lemonlight have disappeared ,right along with hers,i wanted to make the story clear.
i figured as much. since my posts to lemonlight have disappeared ,right along with hers,i wanted to make the story clear.
nvm. :)
i'm aware of the supposed gender neutral use of "cunt". he came off as an american.
i don't consider a hateful human being being scared of women as any sort of power.
1. i was called a cunt by a misogynist on youtube (my reply to lemonlight explained that he replied to my comment;when i replied back...
he's more of a nuisance ,if anything, so no need for his antics to put you in a bad mood,ok? aw,you're a sweetheart and i really appreciate you coming to my defense! :D
no,he sent three/four one word messages. he also called me a "cunt" before i picked on his lack of length.
yep,i showed him.
i may not be a "heavy intellectual" but i do call bullshit when i see it. you'd rather attack my intellect than address my comment head on.
you may not mind being called out of your name while having a debate ,apropos of nothing, but i found it rather disturbing and wanted to share it with my sister jezebel readers. of course,it is not comparable to the stories the other women shared.
i know that it's nothing compared to the other women's stories... i felt like sharing an unpleasant experience while on the web.
totally gross... on a lighter note,your name made me think of a harlequin romance character! :D
ok. that's good to know.
see my comment to lemonlight.
hmm,i don't know if you're in agreement with him or me... anyways,i left out a detail : he responded to a comment that i left with some "blame the woman" pathologically misogynistic* bullshit.
oh! thanks for not getting defensive.
i was called a cunt by a misogynist on a feminist video on youtube. after i compared his genitalia to a fly's,he sent three/four one word messages back to back : cunt. of course,i was disturbed and angry but then,from having read inga muscio's book entitled cunt, i realized that he must have felt really threatened by…
he's cute. who is is he?