
A lot of times the doctors were working for a previously secular institution and then it got bought out. It says the specialists begged, in order to protect one of the patients so this might be the institutions’ fault. Of course if they didn't have doctors they wouldn't have patients and then this wouldn't happen.

It happens everywhere but at least at UT people are more shamed by others. Think of all the Hispanic-themed frat parties that were shut down by the administration and condemned by student papers and the community. Yup, they were racist but people were going to tell them that they were also shitheads.

I think their petroleum engineering program is decent as well, but even in one of those majors, I don't understand putting up with the close-minded, conservative ideology of 90% of people on campus. I'd say prestige schools in Texas are Rice and UT.

I’m from Mexico, and the amount of bullshit medical “tests” that they sell you as actual medicine is ridiculous. Just had someone try to sell me on a genomic screening that would tell you what foods to eat. No!

Yes! I think I had a genetic counselor telling me a number like, 20% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, which is a crazy high number for how little it is reported. It should be normalized so women can talk about their grief and don’t have to suffer in silence.

I turn and just tell the child “No.”.

I always travel in a dress w/tights. People give me compliments on how dressed up I am but joke’s on them, it’s more comfortable than wearing jeans.

I saw people walking around Rome like this.

Why couldn’t she, the nanny and the kid take the row where her preteens were and then have the preteens move up to sit next to you? Some people are just terrible (her, obviously, not you).

Whenever I forget my glasses at home and stare off into the distance since I can't focus on anything anyway, guys will always come up to me since they think I'm staring at them.

To be fair, do many people have lines in Birdman apart from Michael Keaton, his immediate family and the other 3 actors which were in a play set in the 50s (40s? not good w American historical settings) where there probably wouldn’t be many POC? One place where they could have had someone is with Birdman’s manager but

I’ve come into the bathroom, sleepy and disoriented, and fallen into the toilet whenever my boyfriend sleeps over. It brings up murder-feelings in my sleepy heart.

This looks like so much fun and makes me sad I don’t live in a city where it snows... but then I remember I don’t have to shovel my driveway.

I used to be embarrassed to buy toilet paper- but I had weird body issues until way into my 20s

You shit on the bike?!

It's funny because I'm from Mexico, and that was the year that UT cut off the exchange program with the university in my city because of increased probability of violence.

I think so too, he wasn’t actively trying to shoot at anyone but he also wasn’t trying to avoid people, he was shooting at the ground, lightposts, etc. Regardless, at the moment, it was terrifying.

I was a freshman when Colton Tooley came on campus and started shooting. I was in my classroom and remember the professors and SWAT teams keeping us there while I cried and regretted my decision of coming to the US to study.

I understand the concept behind it but it never looks right- so I bought an ottoman where I hide it in shame.

You need to break in your baseball glove. Oil it every day, sleep on it, play catch frequently.