
I was in a foreign language class, very, very hungover. Cute foreign professor had a strict no-going-to-the-bathroom rule. I have no idea why, this was college, we’re generally considered old enough to know our bodies and also live with the consequences of missing 5 minutes of class.

Those are thick legs??

My sister's wedding. Tried on a beautiful green dress, it fit, but barely. Told the saleslady it was too tight, she said that's the way the dress fits. Stupidly, I believed her.

Davines is the best best best.

I would totally wear it, and I like it with the bike shorts/lycra/long underwear.

I show up early and then wait in my car, behind a pillar, etc, like some weirdo because I don't like sitting at the bar/restaurant by myself.

I'm currently in the middle of nowhere, with my settings set to 30 miles around. Jason deRulo was the only person in my surroundings. We matched.

Ugh. I hate it when people say "My name is X but my friends call me Y". How about we get to know each other and then I can decide if we're friends what I want to call you? Maybe I want to call you Houghmeister, Julianne!

What?! I'm super single right now, so obvs not looking for wedding stuff, but I didn't know you could choose your flowers! I just assumed it was whatever was blooming at the moment or something that there always is a lot of.

I'm so sorry that happened to you! I would have ugly cried and locked myself in my room, ruining the night for myself.

YES. Heck, I'll change into cat pajamas too if it'll make you feel more comfortable.

I hatehatehate when people cancel plans on me, so as a rule I don't do it. If I told you I'd be there, no matter how awesome the nap I'm taking is, or how many episodes of Empire I still have left to watch, I'll shower, dress, put on makeup and go.

Did IB in high school (AP wasn't offered), and it was ridiculous tests, plus 150 hours of extracurricular activities, plus Theory of Knowledge and extended essays. College workload was a breeze after.

I nearly... NEARLY... lived at this complex. I was living close by at the Ballpark and this looked like the coolest place ever. I'm so glad I didn't move in.

The Waffle House story sounds like what would happen when I left my Sims to fend for themselves.

I ate this (kebbeh) by accident once thinking it was dessert. I was like 6.

I've always found weird guys attractive and this made me lie a lot in middle school about which celebrities I found hot. I was all like "Oh yeah, Aaron Carter, Leo diCaprio, suuuh hot" but secretly yearning from the dude from the Pianist. I was 12 and a strange child.

Definitely read cans of poop and was more concerned about that than worms.

I really disliked AXO girls at my (large, southern) university. DGs were smart and seemed to have lives outside the sorority. My hatred for them also stems from living next to the house and having to listen to their chants constantly.

I love Texas and Texans, fellow UT grad here, but hate most Texas government and immediately caught on to what you meant by Texas in your article. All the hearts for your article and general frustration.