
Damn. You got 276 recommendations for this bullshit.

Damn. You got 276 recommendations for this bullshit.

I didn’t know the Penetration article was one of the Deadspin does Jezebel articles. I loved that article. I remember also being in the place at the time in my millenial, life-trajectory where I was like “you know, normal-missionary-pinv-sex has really been doing it for me lately”.

Yaass Asahd!

Yaass Asahd!

I would think you were my kind of people, so, nerdy, geeky and plays a lot of final fantasy. So I would think you’re a little weird but totally approve.

I am tired of black women being called men by people they’ve disturbed. It’s not even only white people, black people do it too!

Kalanick’s gf needs to get out now!

How do you lose money by being on Spotify? From lower record sales? I thought that even if they pay shit for it, you can only make money every time someone listens to your track.

They’re easy to hate. They’re always “on” and act like everything to do is just so clever and unthought of. I should be a better person but I watched them on the View and the Chew today just to hate on them.

Now he has one of Sade too!

I’m surprised I’ve never gotten sick. I usually leave chicken fried rice or similar meals out for a long time before I put them in the fridge. I read this in a news app I use. They also say that potatoes are pretty dangerous as well.

You’re why I started reading Jezebel. Pot psychology was the best!!!

If what Luke has said is true I could understand him being resentful or vengeful but the way he has handled this alone is telling of his character. He doesn’t want to just move forward/on he wants to torture and ruin her. He definitely seems like the abuser type to me.

If what Luke has said is true I could understand him being resentful or vengeful but the way he has handled this alone is telling of his character. He doesn’t want to just move forward/on he wants to torture and ruin her. He definitely seems like the abuser type to me.

It’s interesting the way in which Trump supporters say fake news. They literally do not mean discredited or unverified, they mean something they don’t particularly enjoy seeing or propagated.

Even in this short span of video she looks so much more mature than he could ever hope to be.

Even in this short span of video she looks so much more mature than he could ever hope to be.

I think she might have been emotionally abusive. Everything I saw of their relationship on the show really seemed like she ruled with an iron thumb and like she had little respect for him.

Was she referring to Ora in the gif? Also, ANTI WAS ROBBED!!!!!