
Daniel and Cecilia are not dead. You can bank on that. That is, unless Daniel's contract was up for renewal. Then maybe his charterer would die. But usually off screen deaths are for very minor players. They wouldn't do that to A-list players. I'm assuming that guy that Daniel sliced, head butted and tried to set

Korean BBQ is not good raw.

Glenn is definitely alive. They're just trying to create controversy to increase ratings. If he was really dead, they would've put him in the "In Memorium". and they would've had the actor on the Talking Dead show afterward for debriefing and a final goodbye.

True. As long as the currents are strong out there, it should be good. You don't want zombies falling into the ocean and floating to the island. All that decaying flesh on the fresher ones probably makes them float good.

If it was me, I'd head west, grab as much food on the way as I could, find a boat and head to Alcatraz. I doubt zombies could overrun them on that island. And if they couldn't grow enough food or catch enough fish, then take the boat for a supply run up the coast somewhere quiet.

YEA!! Madison (Kim Dickens) did what the entire viewing audience wanted to do to Nick from the first episode. And man, she really beat his ass good. And the look of horror and surprise on his face was priceless. I hope she knocked some sense into him. I mean, if the zombie apocalypse doesn't scare you straight,

I think we can almost be guaranteed that in February when the series comes back, the Ricktator group will wind up in the place where the new series is set. Then they can spend the rest of the season getting us introduced to the new characters before the spinoff takes off.