
I can’t guarantee that you’ll see this because I’m somehow blacklisted, but here is my sick cat trying to fit on my hat.

I used to buy Jelly Bellies in economy size bags to bribe the pilots to debrief during my stint on the USS Kitty Hawk (Jelly Belly is one of the few places back then that delivered to FPO/AP addresses). This would have been a godsend!

Was it really necessary for her to be in pink? Like we wouldn’t know she was a woman unless there was a bow on her head?

Satan has better taste.

As always, the right isn’t smart or clever enough to think up their own shit, so they have to cannibalize someone else’s. And then do it poorly.

Do... do they not?

I thought it was less that she was saving us and more like she was one of the few bricks left in the dam holding back the flood.

That would mean that they would have to admit that the problem is them.

I used to have to take days out of school because my cramps would be so bad I would vomit. Luckily, the military put me on birth control after the time they took me to medical in an emergency vehicle. Now I have three periods a year and I can leave the house even on day one! But the Pill doesn’t work like that for

It just looks like more “but not THAT woman!” to me.

My parents’ border collie/Aussie mix demanded carrots nightly, and my cat will scream bloody murder if I do not share at least half of a can of peas with him.

Which is really funny because I want to see New Mutants more than anything on this list, possibly just to spite its getting pushed back into oblivion!

Well now we know why Alsina opened his mouth. Self-promotion.

And? Rapists don’t rape everyone they meet either.

There’s no way he’s capable of that kind of aerobics.

I can see what she said as an angry and frustrated retort to a dumb young (male) pilot asking “gosh, in MY Air Force????” especially remembering that there was a single female pilot on the carrier I was on, and her callsign was SUMAT - shut up, men are talking.

So what, he’ll go to the next town over and get hired there. Charge them, arrest them, and try them before a jury of people who didn’t hire them to do exactly what they did.

I’m handing the award for this one to K-Pop, they deserve it. Trump seems to always escape getting hit in the wallet, so they hit him in the ego, and it hurt.