I have heard on the internet that the line “Do you concur, Doctor?” was supposed to be a subtler version as apparently that was frequently said between Sherlock and Watson.
I have heard on the internet that the line “Do you concur, Doctor?” was supposed to be a subtler version as apparently that was frequently said between Sherlock and Watson.
I am fairly certain she lacks both the warmth and depth.
I’m pretty full-time on Reddit but damn, you lost me around “Clippy-style helper”. Clippy was an abomination.
To elongate the eye. It’s a perfectly normal technique. Though IMO it should be tapered, maybe she’s just not good at eyeliner.
If there’s no point in being unhappy because someone else has it worse, is there a point to being happy when someone else has it better?
Aunt Beast! I remember that part, too, though it took me a moment to dredge up the name.
I am still under the impression that 1995 was 10 years ago, not 2o, so I hear you.
So, this isn’t a food service story, but hand-smacking brought it to mind.
“The piano player. You’re so drunk you’re seeing double.”
I hate the credit card tip taxing thing because I can’t carry cash around with me or I will give it to all of the homeless people because I have the softest heart in this plane of existence. I try to make up for it by tipping high, but it sucks.
The last time my workcenter went out to lunch (they call it “team fun”) we ended up sharing a dessert of some sort. Some people declined, but a good 50% of the group ended up using their own utensils but out of the same bowl . I guess this isn’t normal?
Yeesh, I refuse to eat at Taco Bell because I used to work there and, confronted with this person, I would eat whatever drippy ass burrito you’d put in front of my face.
I feel like this about In N Out and get shit all the time for it. Sorry, it’s barely food.
Back when I lived in Florida not even my cats wanted to drink that water. I’m fairly certain that there are states whose sewage is cleaner and better tasting than Florida tap water. It is fucking swamp.
If you have a tin of them, you can separate the rest into a couple ziplocs and toss them in the freezer.
Though it would be really nice to have $700 to spend to be with my family, I am spending the holidays alone this year - as in multiple years in the past - and my friends have family or significant others they would like to spend time with. It's not a really huge deal for me but it really shouldn't be that shocking…