catty Not Today Motherfuckers

The Mississippi River begins in Minnesota.

Monique, you changed your profile pic! I like it.

Wow! And I thought the bathroom situation at my work was the best because they have free tampons and pads!

Why does anybody still use Facebook?

There’s a house in my neighborhood that’s always burning plastic in the middle of the night. What they’re doing is melting down stolen telephone and electrical wire to sell the copper for scrap. Now there are fiber optic cables going up and each pole has a sign basically reading “Look, asshole. There’s no wire here

The shocking twist is that one of them started the day with a shirt on.

Not sure which one but Waller or Walter does appear to have one sleeve, unless that’s a carpal tunnel brace he needs for his repetitive scrap metal stealing injury..

A more fitting punishment is to tell them they are getting 5 years probation and then jail them for a year. That would be a great reaction vid.

“You will not replace us” is such a whiny little slogan. It’s like that kid on the playground hoarding his toys. Nobody wants your Gobots, Carter.

Jeff Sessions can spell. .

which means the NRA will defend him.