catty Not Today Motherfuckers

Shut your liberal mouth! I enrolled in the Dear Leaders apprenticeship program and in just six months I’ll be a payphone repairman. There are only seven left in the whole country so I’ll get to travel this great magnificent glorious country.

I don’t know why but every evangelical pastor I’ve ever met has given me the creeps. Priests, rabbis, imams, and just about every other religions leaders don’t ping my creep-o-meter but something about evangelical pastors, especially the white ones make me extremely uneasy.

These are the same type of people who think this is the apex of the human race.

Aside from when I’ve went to black churches with friends whenever I’ve been at a church that was having a sermon on injustice or discrimination it’s been pretty vague and general. A lot of white people, especially white evangelicals, think they are oppressed so what they take away from a sermon like that is probably

Yeah you’re right if he doesn’t care about the goddamn constitution a policy line in the hospital handbook ain’t going to matter much to him but like another poster said this will empower other hospital staff to intervene. Nothing this dramatic happened when I was an ER nurse but I have seen way too many cops storm

I’m sure he promised to slash spending and taxes. White people will turn a blind eye to just about anything if they can gain financially.

I forgot she was an AG! WTF is all the not experienced talk then? A lot more presidents have had less experience than being an AG and senator. She’s way more qualified than the current POTUS and maybe even more than Obama was. LOL I say they should run her. Especially if her senate reelection is off cycle in 2020.

Kamala being a newbie could be a good thing. The repubs weren’t ready for Obama. They might not be ready for her. If she was a governor (executive experience) instead of a senator she would be a no brainer for 2020. Either way a VEEP or chief of staff with executive experience or a seasoned senator would help get her

I used to work there. As of the time I worked at KD there only have been two fatalities on the coasters. One of which was rider error. The food is or was more dangerous there. They might have cleaned that up tho.

They had guns? That’s wild.

I just read that article at the other place too. What a mess. She’s getting hit with a double dose of the respectability rants for being unabashedly black and trans.

The law is still the law and the fact they are all cops doesn’t exempt them from it.

This is how this guy treats white people while being filmed. Imagine what he’s like with black people when the body is “malfunctioning”.

She’s your garden variety famous white libfem. She cares about her bank account and that’s about it. If it ain’t financially safe she ain’t gonna speak on it. If she denounces the alt-right she might only make 20 million dollars in album sales instead of 22 and that is too much for her so she’ll stay quiet. The most

I hear what you’re saying but malicious wounding is a class 2 felony in VA and can carry a sentence of 20-life. Assault as a hate crime with injury is only a class 6 felony and only carries a maximum of 5 years imprisonment. Attempted murder carries the same sentencing variance as malicious wounding but has a higher

I guess it’s just one of those things that’s nobody’s fault.

I just wish there was some way e could have known before the election.

Yup. Of course it’s harder for the DNC to sell their candidates. The RNC takes dirty money to do shit their voters want them to do anyway but the DNC takes dirty money to do shit their voters don’t want them to do. If both parties were socially liberal I wouldn’t bother voting at all. Social issues are the only

And those same people that harp about the “purity test” will have a shit fit when they run a candidate, even in a state primary, that doesn’t live up their own purity test. Meanwhile you were a monster if you didn’t ignore Clinton’s flaws. Even if you put on your big girl panties and voted for her anyway.

He’s looks too old to be Ray Liotta.