If you have to ask, you are The Dorinda.
If you have to ask, you are The Dorinda.
Bethenny’s constant spewing of ‘A friend of a friend told me’ like it equals the gospel truth is beyond irritating. She’s basically saying she bases her truths on random third-hand rumours. What a paragon of truth and virtue (insert Carole eye roll here).
Ugh, and she was so smug and pleased with herself for being so very clever.
Couldn’t agree more. Luann is Luann and is the one who truly gives Zero Fucks. Bethenny is one of the meanest people I’ve ever seen on television. I cannot imagine what it’s like to be around her. The toxic waves must nearly knock a person down.
Why does this recap make no mention of Bethenny being a motor-mouthed bitch who bullies everyone and acts like an asshole 99% of the time? Has the writer been drinking Skinny Girl Koolaid?
I don’t know, it was pretty rude of Carole to mock Dorinda’s home and the loss of her husband and how she handles it. Carole is probably the biggest passive aggressive bitch on the show. She needs to go. As horrible as B, just better at doing it slightly under the radar.
That’s funny you say that because Bethannys constant chirping of “Lie-Ann” made me think of Trump and his stupid fucking nicknames.
Here’s my breakdown - and it’s going to be long, so be warned:
Definitely one of my top 5 Luann moments...
1. I kind of love Luann too. I really enjoyed the moment at Dorinda’s holiday party where she pushed her face into Bethenny’s and gave her a smarmy smile.
Cool, cool. That’s cool. Very modern comment.
Team Luann! I admit she has her faults, obvs, but ever since she joyfully cackled at Aviva’s LEG a couple seasons ago she catapulted to Best Housewife Ever. It was the most genuine moment in Housewives history. I see the real Luann underneath all the layer of Countess and she is actually “cool”! I wish she had enough…
Bethenny is a horrible person. She is so deeply unhappy and bitter, and she just takes it out on everyone. And Girl, all the product placement just REEKS of desperation. Stop.
Yeah, that’s not the point. Don't go to a show and heckle people. Don't be a dick. THATS THE POINT.
Doesn’t matter what she said on stage. They paid to hear her, not him. That’s the only context that matters.
I’m stanning your comments hard in this thread, but you’re so spot on in my opinion. Preach! Can’t believe how many people here are OK with Bethenny slut shaming Luann. At the end of the day, whether Luann lies or not, her sex life is none of Bethenny’s business. It’s also none of anyone’s business if Dorinda snorts…
It’s weird that Jezebel is about the only site that is more on Bethenny’s side in the Luann -B dustup. I would think a pseudo-feminist site like this would shut B down hard with the slut shaming, body shaming, general meanness.
I don’t see where she lies. She may not share who she’s boning at any given time but why should she? That’s her business to handle any way she wants.
I have to say, I am so over Bethanny Bethenny this season, and Carole needs to resign her position as her chief lap dog before or I am going to write her off as well.
I disagree.... love luann hate bethanny.... and the call to the daughter needs more attention!