Unsolicited Cat Pics

17 and 15 years old and doing these things. I can’t even. They’re children!

Good for you! Seriously. Kids never learn that the monster might just be their cool boyfriend. Boundaries need to be taught to both genders.

Same! A really old friend of mine refers to her heritage as Gypsies. She’s the first of her family to actually have a permanent home. She talks openly about the issues her community has but there’s so many great things about them the world doesn’t see. Her family are generous to a fault, have zero tolerance for

As someone whose Mother embarrasses her regularly, that video made me feel sorry for Blac Chyna and grateful my Mom doesn’t know how to post videos of herself.

Trademark this. I’ll buy!

Is that a human’s face?

I love how they hit an old lady and still made it all about them.

This happened to me. In University a boyfriend broke up with me before he went away to work for a month. While he was gone I met someone and started dating them and when my ex came crawling back and I turned him down all of a sudden I was a slut who was “cheating” on him the whole time he was away.

Exactly! And extra stars that you know early priests were women too. I have a history degree and it’s sad how this isn’t more widely known.

Canadian Girl Guide leader here. Yeah it’s still girls only however if a male child identifies as female they’re welcome. We have a few trans kids in our area troops but their status is kept closely guarded and we make very sure they’re treated like any other girl. Agreed on your sexism eye roll remark. The idea is to

She doesn’t go into a lot of detail but apparently a lot of beatings and humiliation. Like standing the kids up in front of the class and having all of the other kids mock them mercilessly when they made mistakes on their math drills was a regular educational tool. Also really crazy sexual shame stuff as they got

I believe the theory is that if it weren’t for the celibacy more “normal” people would take on higher positions in the church. I can’t speak to the accuracy of that though.

I ran into that mindset for the first time in University. We had a bunch of girls in my dorm who were raised very strictly religious. They would equate having a rum and coke with trying to sleep with their friend’s boyfriend. They would happily do one, then the other. It was all “sin” with the same level of atonement

My Mom spent her entire school life in Catholic school in the 1950's. They really messed her up.

That’s horrifying. Good for you for printing that.

Maybe that’s sort of the point. Like, my children can have these weird names because WE can. Unlike you plebeians.

I don’t actually hate the name Magnus.

That’s what happens when you name your kid while high.

And I guess since you’re a teacher you can’t tell her you refuse to feed into her stupidity. My sympathies.

And they thought it was perfectly okay for the child to see her Dad being shot. Even if they didn’t think it would hurt him. My guess is that them being raised by other people might be the best thing that ever happened to them.