Unsolicited Cat Pics

Thank you! I felt guilty for thinking it but it looks like she was attacked and just pinned her torn up dress back on to go to the event. My sincerest apologies if that’s actually what happened though.

I remember this was in the news. Many of the parents understandably freaked out because they never gave permission for their kids to be photographed and put out there publicly, not to mention having no idea this was going to be part of the field trip. I personally would have LOST MY SHIT

Oh wow! My germophobia is going off the charts right now.

“Adoption is an alternative to parenthood not pregnancy.” This exactly!

I’m quite sure that’s why he’s maligning them all. He wants people loyal to HIM not to America.

Is something being done to help out and support those immigration lawyers working around the clock? I’m too far away but it would be great if somewhere it was posted what they need to back them up, like some money, equipment, free food etc to keep them going.

Exactly! She was publicly supportive and excited about this, right up until it was too late and the baby was growing in the surrogate.

I read here, back when this first started that they left the surrogate twisting in the hospital with the baby and she got stuck with the medical bills.

I hope Melania carries on a torrid affair with a hot young secret service agent the entire time and Trump finds out about it the day he is impeached.

I feel like Obama also did that on purpose to highlight what a douche Trump is to his wife. Nicely done either way.

I was thinking that too. She has to stand by and watch her husband’s legacy be ripped apart by a monster who spent years swearing he wasn’t even a citizen and calling him, “the worst president in history.” The fact that she isn’t ripping Trump’s throat out on live TV is a testament to her class and greatness.

I’d actually respect her more if she was like, “Look all, my career hasn’t been so shit hot and I really need the money.”


Someone (I wish I had taken note of who!) once posted on Jezebel that people will adjust their moral compass accordingly as long as they get a comfortable lifestyle and a 2 car garage. These words still haunt me.

That’s a really good point. Or if she did have one when she went to get an SS number they told her it was fake.

Former teacher here. Your child is likely well behaved because you don’t hit him. In my experience, the kids who are spanked at home are the worst behaved for everyone else because they don’t actually learn how to behave properly. All they know is if they misbehave they feel pain from their caregivers. It really

Good for you for putting your foot down. That couldn’t have been easy.

Exactly this. I have 3 kids. People seem flabbergasted that I have never spanked them or even felt the need to. If you get to the point where you need to physically cause pain to your child then somewhere things have gone way off the rails.

I saw a lot of this in South Korea, China and Japan too.

She was joking right?....right?