Unsolicited Cat Pics

Elizabeth Warren with Michelle Obama as her vice president!

Yeah this makes sense now that I think about it. Come to think of it, as a parent I see anyone who is the same age as my kids who gets hurt as poor babies. It’s not meant to be condescending it’s an unconscious emotional reaction.

I was about to make a smart ass remark arguing with you about this. Then I paused and thought about everyone I’ve ever met who is exactly how you described. I’ve got nothing.

To be fair. I’d probably be a crazy bed peeing alcoholic too if that orange freak was my father.

Yeah that was a bit harsh but I agree. Hazing is a pretty apt term for what’s been going on.

That’s what I always wondered as well!

My husband and our toddler. You can’t see it but we made the wagon into a KFC bucket.

Sorry, I have nothing intelligent to add other than....Wait what!? What the fuck!?

Exactly! Thank you.

I personally do think the parents should accept some responsibility for putting their kids in that sort of situation where they are being hurt but feel like they can’t speak out.

Holy freaking shit! I think my soul just shrivelled up. On the other hand my husband and I thought it might be funny to go as crazy Trump supporters for a Halloween party and this costume idea just might make the cut if I can get drunk enough first.

From what I understand they serve a lot of women coming in from Ireland.

You basically summed up my childhood as well. My Mother was the original sanctimonious hippy Mom who actually used to tell my sister and I that candy caused brain damage. It was not a mentally healthy way to grow up.

That idiot was on the news tonight all the way up here in BC Canada! The reporter speaking to him on the phone was absolutely floored.

Sending you luck and internet hugs.

I had the same thought while I was pregnant. Fortunately my husband was totally on board with not forcing me to go through any pregnancy I didn’t want to. I wouldn’t have agreed to get pregnant otherwise. People frequently asked me about this. Which I found odd and eventually figured out that the best response was a

Agreed. My best friend works in a day program for adults with Down Syndrome and she tells me that she sees elderly parents emotionally broken and living in poverty because of the burden of trying to care for an adult child with special needs. There isn’t nearly enough support for them and it takes a serious toll. And

Same story here. My wonderful husband who would never hurt me always says when I look like I’m about to fall or smack into something, “If you get a black eye or whatever you’re not leaving the house until it heals!”

I sort of wonder about that too. I don’t think I’d take it well if I was a refugee and my suffering was used as some rich kid’s learning experience.

My thoughts exactly. My husband and I lived abroad for a while and did a lot of travelling and when we started having kids we settled down and embraced being a bit more boring so that our daughters could have things like play dates after school and friends and a sense of normalcy.