Unsolicited Cat Pics

Yet another reason why people should be careful with their language when talking about sexual topics. Ie. The “you give a piece of yourself to every person who you have sexual contact with” and other such analogies.

Like a cool science experiment or engineering project!?

That could make sense. Like as if they feel they can “wash away their sins” by doing good works?

“Statistically everyone knows at least one rapist.” *chills and shivers* :(

Really? Omg! I was drinking that to help me sleep during all 3 of my pregnancies and NOBODY told me that could be a problem! Not even the midwife with my second baby. So far all three kids are doing great but how after three kids with plenty of great prenatal care and ample access to the internet did I not know this!?

My mom is a physio and when I was a teenager I cracked 4 of my fingers between a log and the corner of the wood stove. She filled a pot with ice water and plunged my mangled hand in it before bandaging me up. I think this is an old school medical thing. It did manage to keep the swelling down and it healed normally.

I’ve worked for several doctors. They are usually super their field of choice only. They spend so many of their formative years cramming and regurgitating information specific to their study that they don’t have time time to really explore and learn about the larger world. Don’t even get me started on

My thoughts exactly. I wonder if these people actually think to themselves, “Why the F would I care about other people?” And if that’s the moral compass they plan to impart to their children.

My friend is a pediatric nurse in Vancouver BC. We have “herbal vaccinations” here now. They are magical and all the rage with the local Naturopaths (not all mind you). Time and again she holds the hands of parents with extremely sick and possibly dying babies as they say, “Oh why oh why!? HOW could this have possibly

Welllllll shit. :(

I’m thinking/hoping they were being facetious.

Exactly! One of my childless friends remarked the other day that all of the parents they know who are constantly posting pictures of their kids, and making giant deals about the cool things they did for their kids etc on social media, in real life seem to be totally disinterested in them or even resentful of them.

Yeah I had that first thought too! What an odd picture choice. She’s supposed to be talking about him but she’s showing herself in relation to him only.

Well if that sort of horrific childhood experience while the “good guys” stand by and do nothing doesn’t create a future terrorist I don’t know what does.

Yeah I always wondered just how many of her past modelling stories were made up.

Your pseudonym made me giggle out loud. It’s fantastic.

I’m in the same situation. I gave up my career because everything I made would go right to childcare. For my family it just wasn’t worth it emotionally or financially. Since becoming a stay at home mom I’ve been surprised that the majority of ill advised and condescending remarks have come from other women. Recently I

*BARF!* WTF is wrong with people!?

I’m actually not sure. Her husband was previously married as well and yet they were able to be married in her church (that puts little white baby crosses all over the lawn once a year in protest.) To be honest with you I said nothing. I was still insecure about confrontation so I sat there sweating in pure rage at the

Exactly! I wonder about this too. My staunchly catholic cousin and her husband are anti choice. Totally believing that life begins at conception etc. Then went she couldn’t get pregnant they went straight for IVF. Last year over dinner they casually mention that they still have 8 embryos that they don’t plan to use