Unsolicited Cat Pics

I’m stealing this for next time I encounter this situation.

What a nightmare! I’m so angry for you.

I too am a former “slutty, party girl” teenager and now I find myself as mother to 3 daughters. Thanks for this. Honestly, I think what my parents did right was the philosophy of, “do your thing but please don’t be an idiot and make mistakes you can’t take back.” I was on the birth control shot by 15 even though I

Ewwwww! I didn’t even think about that. I swore I’d never say it but I’m saying it. So happy I only have girls.

I saw it too. He definitely reacted. The look on the darker twin’s face made me sad. It seems like that isn’t the first time she’s heard words like that.

The day someone slut shames my 5 year old is the day I go into her school and make the principal cry.

I actually laughed really hard at them in this video. I got the impression that what they were doing was more of a parody of the type of guys who would say something like that. I am a feminist and I wasn’t offended. Sometimes what actually offends me is that in a time when we still have wage gaps and other serious

I found that too! In my university dorm the girls who had come from strict religious families were the ones who were all, “I had a rum and coke! I’m sooooo bad so I might as well blow this guy I don’t even know.” Not that I’m saying there’s anything wrong with that if that’s what they wanted to do but I was shocked

My kids too! They hate processed fast meal type foods. Not because I’m some sanctimonious crunchy mom, that’s just how they roll and sadly sometimes I’m like, “I’m freaking busy will you please just eat the damned can of pasta!”

I add peas to my Kraft know, so it makes it healthy.

I was the volunteer coordinator for an orphanage in South Korea for 3 years. I can’t tell you the number of times I had to tell people that no, they can not just show up for a day to take pictures of themselves with the kids. They would actually be offended by this! It blew my freaking mind that this was not a no

That would be some fantastic evil genius ***t right there.

They don’t even look human!

I have 3 kids and you are absolutely correct.

I know right!? I discovered this in my 20’s when I turned down a date with a guy my friend introduced me to because he looked a bit on the homeless side. I found out months later he made 3 million dollars managing lobster boats the year before.

I have a few dear friends who became mothers as teenagers. They have all said that it was the nasty judgement and the general lack of emotional support from the people around them that made it so hard for them to be good mothers. Everyone expected them to be terrible moms and looked down their noses at everything they

This is exactly why when there is an issue at my daughter's school that I let him do most of the talking. For some reason, not just men but even older women will take a young man more seriously than a young woman.