
anything arachnid-based or has its origin in the spidey comics is owned by sony, though the have obviously made some concessions as of late in civil war and homecoming, and are reaping the financial and creative benefits.

The other thing worth noting is that most Olds (lookin’ at you, Boomers) have no clue whatsoever just how much inflation has changed the value of money since when they were young and earning it.

The tabloid went about it the right way. It’s the police department that might have messed up.

Exactly. Fuck these people. They are heinous and the whole Quiverfull movement is disgusting. They treat women like nothing but breeding stock to be traded and bartered. They are the perfect example of the “religious” zealots who wholeheartedly voted for Trump.

I started writing stuff that’s been said a million times (arguing against the “should have made better choices” argument), so I deleted it...This is the best I could come up with in lieu:

Yeah, no. They’re suing to protect all the Joshes of the world.

wow, fuck your Aunt. What an asshole!

I got an offensive email from an aunt (who is DEAD TO ME) about how if “Shaniqua had wanted to make $15 an hour she should have made better choices.” Yes. That was the email’s wording. My industry tanked in the crash - there were THOUSANDS of RIFs (eventually I was included in 2010) and since then I have been working

Plus many people don’t realize how ridiculously low the current minimum wage is, so when they hear $15 an hour they go “HOLY SHIT!!! That’s over double what they are currently making!!! There’s no way our economy can absorb that kind of raise.”

I have a modest proposal on all minimum wage discussions in the news media. They should include a parenthetical about how the hourly wage would translate to annual salary. So $15 a hour($31,200 a year).

I like this trend.

Thanks, that’s great. I’d like the file on the Trump campaign and the Russian government, when you have a moment.

It almost looks too small to be a geoduck. Those suckers are huge and girthy.

There are exactly two movies in this franchise worth a goddamn: Alien and Aliens. They are both very different types from each other, which is kind of unusual. The original Alien is a horror story set to a scifi backdrop, whereas Aliens is more of your typical military science fiction “Ender’s Game” “Star Wars”

I know. Hasn’t every president in modern history had at least one?

Please let “Good Dogs Of Famous World Leaders” be a running thing.