
I’d argue that these microtransactions are shameful. They’re low-impact, sure, but going Box + Paid DLC + Microtransactions is just one too many monetization schemes for my taste.


Fire Emblem Conquest /Birthright. The family you choose in the game is analogue to Cecilia choosing the people who are important in her life.

Aside from manly guys and Life in Aggro (they are so long running that I don’t really understand them most of the time)

Manly guys was actually a joke about a specific game for once, usually it’s so many in-jokes or long running gags about it’s own characters, I can’t always follow, but this time I understood it

Alternate Headline: “EA Puts The Problem Back Into Game, Doesn’t Get It”

I’d watch this movie over TLJ.

Which makes total sense, cause it would interfere with the canon tale of how Palpatine fought a battle on Endor, on the ground and was ultimately defeated by Princess Leia and someone named “PlosionMaster69" with a rocket launcher.

I recall something about not wanting people running around as pink Darth Vader for canonical reasons.

Didn’t they previously say they didn’t do the cosmetic route because it wasn’t canon? Guess the desire to nickel and dime their customers was too great.

We’ve heard it before. Promises of cosmetic only, then suddenly weapons are showing up.

What the fuck Eric? How do you spend your whole life as the son of a tabloid-seeking publicity hound and never learn to smile in a STAGED FUCKING PHOTO without looking like a complete fucking moron?

I just read the detailed reviews on Steam. Why is this so hard on you? Do you just spend your money nilly willy on every game like a spoiled brat?

Maybe you missed the obvious point: Its a broken game.

Look, look, look. Just because I wear a shirt with Hitler’s face on it doesn’t mean I actually support Hitler, I just really like his artwork.

No, there was an article on Kotaku about the fact that “Cuphead not being able to separate itself from it’s genre’s history” or something along those lines. It was a pretty silly affair. I’m surprised that a game made by a legit racist didn’t get the same treatment.

He’s a member and supporter of the Czech first party, effectively the far-right of the Czech Repub. They’re really into the idea of kicking out the brown people.

Did they? Because I certainly don’t remember that.

I’m honestly surprised more people had issues with Cuphead than with this.

Just to remind you all the lead developer was a member of the hate movement Gamergate and threw a shitfit on Twitter because he thinks that people in the 15th Century stayed in the same place and never traveled anywhere.