
I agree wholeheartedly. While there ar esoem followers of the Norse gods, Greek gods, neodruids, etc-they are small and detatched culturally from the culture of the religions that spawned them. The modern revival religions have very little to do with the ancient religions that spawned them. It's cultural appropriation

Culture however, is somethign to be respected. As religion is so often ingrained into culture, it is hard to disrespect one without disrespecting the other.

I love the art style, but was Toady notified of the existance of this guide? It seems a tad dishonest to be selling a guidebook of it if it was done without his consent and for profit.

Video games can be art and simultaneously void of artistic integrity. What Bioware is doing is essentially art by commission. Their art is created for a consumer, not for the sake of art, and as such whomeever buys it is entitled to voice their opinions over it based on how well it conforms to what they paid for. It's

I wholeheartedly agree. Definately liked the first the best, and was disappointed to see the direction the series went in.

I was getting some rather strong Babylon 5 "get the hell out of our galaxy!" vibes from that speech, but then it was all over :(

Oh look, more sexist comments from Tony Danza. What a suprise.

While the articles themselves have been certainly disheartening, for me it has been the comments on the articles that has been a serious eye opener. I have noticed that "gaming culture" definately needs to grow up, but the sheer weight of immature, sexist comments that spring up when anyone so much as touches on the

Even so, there are people in these comments claiming that she was overreacting and being emotional even though she ddin't 'stand up for herself'. Look at the comment brass2themax made a few comments above you, for instance. After the Tropes Vs Women, Tomb Raider rape fiasco, and the Hitman trailer and now this, I have

The examples in Patriot serve to villainize the British... likewise the deaths in Band of Brothers zerve to give emotional impact to the audience and to heighten the stakes/make you more connected to the remaining soldiers. By contrast, the Germans in BoB and the Redcoats in Patriot are villains, and do all sort of

"Hell, part of being an *American* is wanting to kill those other stupid Americans that don't agree with your ideals."

I have that book! A good read, regardless of who wrote it.

Definately. While I wouldn't say that Oblivion or Skyrim are *bad* games, they certainly aren't as good as Morrowind, and they have terrible continuity with it. Coupled with the fact they decided to blow up Morrowind in between Oblivion and Skyrim, and the existance of this MMO thing in the pipes, it looks doubtful

"Inner group of men"? I think you are confusing the illuminati with society.

Considering the amount of name-calling you use in place of a proper argument, I would think that you would be mentally deficient as per your own definition of what people who make flawed arguments are, seeing as how name-calling is generally considered to be an indicator of a flawed argument. Just sayin. Also, for

You mean as opposed to the cricle jerking misoginists? Because that got tired a long time ago.

Just because it's fictional doesn't mean it has no impact-things like this don't exist in vacuum, and to assume that they do, and are thus irrelevent, is asinine.

While this form of sexism does hurt men in some ways, I would argue that its purpose is to keep women from encroaching into 'their' territory. The fact that it devalues male life is intertwined with male notions of empowerment and manhood-in this way it is a method of male empowerment. You may have noticed that one of

Overweight men/non-ken men face far less social ridicule then women do. If women seek out Vega-types to get dominated by, it's because it is a lifestyle that is widely supported in popular culture, wheras alternative relationships are frequently depicted as emasculating, 'wrong' etc. Also, men facing chastisement

Women's lives are treated as 'sacred' because culture infantisizes them-therefore making them too innocent to be butchered like men, except in specific circumstances (shock factor, hero's motivation, evil woman, etc). Yup, it's sexism-against women.