
A Brown Bess Musket can be reloaded in 20 seconds. 60+ seconds I could see, if they had never used a gun before, but the British had some of the best soldiers in the world at this point. There's a youtube video of a reinactor firing three shots in 46 seconds. Also, there were plenty of guys tying him up in melee

That's fine and dandy, but they are certainly pressing the 'kill redcoats' angle over 'kill Templars, regardless of allegiance' angle. The bald eagle, patriotic word dropping, and the fact that he seems to overwhelmingly kill redcoats to the exclusion of all else would seem to indicate that the game is going to be

You may have missed the Bald Eagle that the camera followed for about half the trailer. Also, you may have missed word drops like 'Liberty' and 'Justice' and the fact that he charged the entire British army at the battle of bunker hill and cut down half a dozen british soldiers "The Patriot" style. The *real* reason

How incredibly racist. Your ignorance of Indian military history is amazing. The Indian subcontinent has always been a crucible of constant warfare from the moment the Aryan tribes first migrated there thousands of years ago. India has always been rife with conflict-the sort of conflict that would be ideal for any

Well if they are doing a game about muslim countries, it would make sense to include India, Pakistan, Iran, and Indonesia-considering how much of the modern muslim population resides there. You are correct however, South Asia in general is massively underrepresented in the media, especially video games despite its

Fetish nun latex bodysuits with machineguns and rocket launchers are supposed to blend in at a motel parking lot? There is absolutely nothing about those outfits that is subtle, and they are blatently a grab at sex appeal. While the Hitman games have had plenty of skimpy outfits in the past, they at least justified

Care to explain where you got this insider information? Usually when most of the people who voice their opinion on a subject have a negitive impression of it, it is representative of the larger population. This is why we have polling.

Comodifying women as sex objects is treating them as lesser beings.

A well done sandbox game can show an attention to detail that invigorates the game universe and makes it feel 'real' and immersive. When done wrong, I would agree that the game feels empty and soulless. This is the difference between Morrowind and the later Elder Scrolls games for me. On the other hand, restricting

Ribaults or rockets on a bridge map for Medievil II is always a favorite of mine. RTW with pikemen and archers and siege equipment is always fun too.

Yes, but ARMA is a different series. Total War is a game series that has built itself up onthe strength of its modding community. Compare the mods for Medieval II and Rome to what's being made for Empire, Napoleon, and Shogun II-the difference in what modders have been able to accomplish is astronomical. As someone

About time. The TW modding community has been languishing since Empire was released. They ahve been overly zealous about keepign the modding community from peeking into their code. (I have heard suspicions that it is because mods would make the DLC they release obsolete because modders could release mdos that surpass

How typically sexist. "If you aren't smoking hot, you shouldn't be allowed to wear clothing that shows off more than a centimeter of bare flesh or you will be ridiculed"<—-Your comment in a nutshell.—-your>

Their population would be smaller, but their genetic diversity would not necessarily be impacted as much considering that the genophage targeted all Krogans, not just ones with certain genetic traits. The writers pulled the justification out of their pants at any rate, as there isn't any reason to suspect that humans

The very idea that humans would have the most genetic diversity out of all of the species is a pretty silly itself. The Salarians have short lifespans which would indicate there is not much time between generations, which would indicate a lot of potential for genetic diversity and evolution, the Krogans are prodigous

Where's Daniel Fortesque? Of course, he was already undead...

"Not to bright, huh? No, I'm not interested in words. Didn't your momma ever teach you "Actions speak louder than words"? Words are worth jack shit."

"We're talking about the draft, not combat roles here."

"Not getting drafted denies them the ability to serve their country? Being forced to die for your country is sexist against women? Are you serious?"

How Incredibly sexist. The Titanic is an outlier because the 'women and children first' policy was enforced at gunpoint. Typically, women and children suffer the most casulties in such situations because the crew and male passengers abandon ship without them. The fact that women do not get drafted, and are not put