a cat named salsa

Man. I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised that the comments on this article are so different to the comments on last week’s Constance Wu/whitewashing article, but I am. Basically, it appears that “chill the fuck out” is the consensus here. The one movie of the year about a person with a serious disability — not

When I was 13, an 18 year old had a “crush” on me and asked me out, and all I could think was, “You’re gross. Why do you want to be with a middle schooler?”. Some girls would be flattered but not me. I was just suspicious. A senior in high school picking up on an 8th grader?

This is why people need to be on the look out for teachers who don’t have appropriate boundaries with students. I don’t mean being friendly or popular, but someone who acts like students are peers. The creepy teacher that went to jail for raping a student at my high school should have been throwing up red flags all

I like to compress them down into diamonds, which I then wear.

My brother has schizophrenia. His life has value. I could never imagine writing something like that about him. Just FYI people, stop making psycho or schizo into a slur. Stigma is a real problem and contributes to the devaluing of the lives of people who have thought disorders.

I feel like even if you might have a blunt but refreshing perspective on racism, it kinda isn’t that valuable if you yourself have a long documented history of using ethnic or homophobic slurs.

she died from all the pot smoking

It would be cool to trace her and find out what has happened to her and what she thinks of the article 60 years later

If the whole thing you ‘disagree’ with is the mere idea of someone loving another person who is the same gender as them than yeah. You’re not respecting them at all.

“and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and <b>yes I said yes