
In fairness, Bloomberg has said he will do that regardless. Dude’s worth 60 billion dollars, so half a billion isn’t going to stop him from doing what he wants to do.  Also in fairness, he seems genuinely concerned about climate change, so I suspect he would view investing billions of dollars in electing Democrats

Exit polling from last night seems to suggest that a meaningful amount of her support left her for Biden last night.

Late deciding voters broke overwhelmingly for Biden in VERMONT of all places.

Now do you see my point?

I think the totality of her plans moved her from being a potential unity candidate to fighting with Bernie for the same vote that he had already locked down 4 years ago.  

I can see the headlines now:

but to progressives, the urgent last-minute push to play kingmaker with Joe Biden—yes, this guy, also this, and this! Wow!—was depressing as hell.

The problem with petulant little man and woman babies like that is that in 2 years when a hypothetical President Sanders has struggled to enact meaningful portions of his agenda, has made the mistakes that a President inevitably makes, and has made compromises with harsh realities that every President has to do, those

Because South Carolina is the first state of a slew of states that follow thereafter where black voters make up the bulk of the state party. And this article assertion notwithstanding, the balance of black folks tend to vote together in the primary.

That’s what the guns are for!

So what you’re saying is that I should sell every position in my portfolio and invest 50% in an ultrashort S&P ETF and the other 50% in canned food, guns & ammunition?

For some god forsaken reason I decided to watch a few of the ads from the Alabama Republican Senate primary race.

Yeah, though to be fair, her lawsuit isn’t just about the contract. There’s also accusations of intimidation, which, if true, wouldn’t be protected by any terms of any contract.

This comparison is so bad the fact that you are making it means you just need to sit down and not talk about politics.

I can totally see how this lawsuit plays out:

They should definitely give the show to a woman, but I gotta be honest, when my mind goes rooting around for “up and comers at MSNBC” it’s coming up blank.  They could do worse than try to find some fresh outside talent.  Hopefully female, but MSNBC needs to seriously retool.

Yeah. I think sometimes people confuse cultural homogeneity with true solidarity among marginalized groups. I think about it in terms of comparing him to other gay public figures.

What does the “DNC” have to do with Klobuchar’s endorsement of Biden?

At what point do you just use your fingers and wipe them clean on the back of the dress shirt of some staffer wearing a suit coat or blazer?

You mean like the “behind the scenes shenanighans” that Bernie was begging for in 2016?