Kitty magnet

Im thinking hes lying about not knowing how it got on social media, too. That shit doesnt walk itself onto in the internet.

Thank you. There's already lots of (probably dudes) in the comments trying to minimize his actions. Particularly in the region she's from, this can have a life ruining affect. Her family might shun her, and she might never get married. It could make her a target for men that now think because she's had sex once, they

Just for the record, he's not simply "a douche." Under South African law, he made child porn. That doesn't mean he deserved the assault AT ALL, but don't minimize his horrendous actions.

It actually bothers me that I am not bothered by the retribution. Because I know its wrong. It is always wrong. I will not condone what this girl did. But I am not outraged by it either. And that is not a good thing. I have been so jaded by the countless acts of sexual violence towards women and the lack of justice

Yeah, I agree. I mean...having your penis burned off is fucking horrific and only a completely unstable person would do that. But of course...she was unstable exactly because a video of her was circulating.

I actually don't feel that sorry for him. Men have been sexually violating women without consequence for thousands of years, I'm not sure why I should feel sorry that he faced serious, life altering consequences after committing a crime upon her that is serious and life altering. You pay to play, and when you do bad

Welp, that's horrific on every level. But men get away with so much aggression against women, and police do very little to help us. It was only a matter of time until stuff like this happened.

He shouldn't have dressed that way. He was clearly asking for it.

Girls will be girls. The guy was asking for it.

Every time I see Bradley Cooper, I'm overcome with an inescapable feeling that the man oozes sleaze. I really can't explain it: I can't think of any other actor that I have the same reaction with. There's just something about him that I can't quite put my finger on.

Same. I know they love to cast people with dramatic backstories, but casting someone whose husband died so recently seems really irresponsible to me. Hopefully the producers will realize that after seeing Kelsey have a panic attack.

Eh, I kind of do get it. I think media portrays just a tiny bit of grief - the being sad part - but there are a whole mess of other emotions in there for most people. And trying to find your own life again, without a partner to support you, is an enormous challenge. There aren't that many young widows/widowers, so it

I would watch 50 Shades of Grey if it was Rihanna as Christian Grey and Leo as Anastasia Steele.

He's never had a girl tell him what to do.

Honestly, Rihanna bossing around Leonardo DiCaprio and finding him subpar is basically every sex dream I have ever had.

Values are only Family Values if they don't interfere with extracurricular sex with mistresses. The best thing a politician can do is called investigative journalists and let them expose these hypocrites especially if they are women and/or in the LGBT community. It is too dangerous otherwise. People are whack these

Fuck all of this. It's time for school districts to put on their big folks pants, stop kowtowking to anti-science nutbars and eliminate personal belief exemptions. Your stupid, ignorant-ass beliefs should not be imposed on your children and endangering others. If we can force Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian

I'm not wrong. Look it up. The healthy-gut feces is loaded into capsules and frozen for ingestion. The capsules are designed not to dissolve until the capsules make it to the small intestine. And your gastric acids don't kill C. diff, do they? So it stands to reason that not all microorganisms are killed by the

That's because they're being used experimentally. I had C. diff about a year ago, and was one relapse away from having a fecal transplant. The transplant process (basically an enema) has a lot of limitations to it, so being able to administer frozen medicinal poop (lol) through enteric capsules that don't get

My neighbor's sister has been selling her poop, and she has just bought a new BMW! I started last week and have been making avg. $80/hr. pooping at home. You can do it too!