Wanting oral sex != advertising for oral sex from a white, non-professional stranger in the guise of offering a ride.
Wanting oral sex != advertising for oral sex from a white, non-professional stranger in the guise of offering a ride.
Well, actually he's being honest about shoving down your throat.
Yup, my first reaction as a kid would have been "He doesn't love me."
He sure as hell should have followed that up with the actual doll she wanted, or this joke just makes him a jerk.
I hate this dad.
This is the problem I'm having with many of these Dad-made youtube videos. There seem to be a lot of them filmed by Dads who think they're so funny that their joke needs to be filmed and put on the internet. You're not being funny. You're not being witty. You're just being a douche.
You could also reenact Dante's Inferno in an Ikea.
Why is this our culture? This endless rehashing. I feel like we're in Dante's inferno.
I'm always fascinated by men who assume that all women are poor, uneducated, and uncultured — because the only reason a woman would gravitate towards a man of a certain socio-economic level is because she must be a gold digger, right? She couldn't possibly be his equal and have a lot in common with him, could she?
Not the same thing, dude. The difference is that these women are not your type, but they are not asking or demanding anything of you, personally. If you look at their profile and don't like what you see, move along. That's literally how online dating works. And honestly, that last thing on your list really reeks of…
Can you please explain why you have a problem with women who want things that aren't you? Like, how does it personally impact you that a woman wants someone richer than you? I just don't get why people spend their time or energy being irritated that someone isn't looking for someone like you. That would be like me…
The article is called The Online Dating Douchebag, though. None of the women you described sound douchey. They're just women who aren't interested in dating you or women who don't possess the traits of someone you'd want to date. I think it's rather telling that you group those people with those who treat others…
The Unrealistic Demander: possible gold digger, or wants someone who shares her socioeconomic status (big predictor for successful relationship)
So, the worst thing women do to you on online dating sites are being boring and not wanting to date you? That must be really, really nice.
Yeah, I would have been ok with a brief two-way convo about that stuff. I still wasn't looking for an airplane hook-up, if that was his goal.
Coincidentally, on a different leg of the very same business trip, an older woman seated next to me also commented on (the same) book I was reading. She was chatty, which ok,…
All of your "types" have male equivalents I've run into multiple times on internet dating. Yet somehow, the "cunt why didn't you answer me?" type just doesn't seem to include women in their ranks, which was the point of this whole article. Way to miss it.
He probably could have redeemed himself by saying "Oh, you are an expert! What have you worked on? Can you explain "X" to me?" If he really had any interest in the topic to begin with, instead of just trying to impress you, that might have been nice to chat about. Also, anyone with any manners at all and an inquiring…
Thanks for the addition:
Ok, so this example didn't happen online, but I have had the online equivalent happen several times in the past.
On an airplane, a guy across the aisle from me tried to start a conversation based on the subject matter of what he saw me reading. He immediately worked his resume and "credentials" into his end of the…
Well as soon as you say it adults hear "pegging" and that's hilarious and inappropriate for a kid! Pegasisters sounds like a group of women that like fucking men with strap on's.