Kitty magnet

I don't find Frances to be out of line. Lana brought up her father and said his death was glamorous. Kurt's death was anything but glamorous. The fact that Frances grew up never knowing her father isn't glamorous. Calling any persons suicide "glamorous" is a very terrible thing to say. Even if you are depressed it

Were threesomes always this dangerous or is this an emerging trend?

It is amazing that she seems to have turned out pretty level headed. She really had the cards stacked against her. When she fought to be removed from her mothers care at 16 or 17 because she knew her home life was unhealthy, I had high hopes that she would turn out okay.

WTF? are you trolling? What is wrong with you!

I totally understand where Frances Bean is coming from. As the daughter of a man who committed suicide when I was two years old, there is nothing glamorous about it. It's painful and makes you question whether or not you were loved by one of the people who were supposed to love you the most. If I was in her shoes it

"Embrace life" could mean getting help though. I don't know if Lana has ever seen a therapist, but I would suggest giving it a try.

Sometimes life gets better. You would rather encourage someone to kill themselves instead of helping them the best way you could?

Honestly call bullshit on all the people who wrote about this interview (Jez included) who failed to address that Lana Del Rey might need some help.

It wouldn't be farfetched to assume that Lana has some psychological issues, but part of me feels like she said that for publicity to keep up with her depressed image. She probably knew what she said would cause controversy, and she expressed faux outrage as a result. With that said, I agree with Francis. Whether Lana

Or maybe it's painful for her to say that her dad committed suicide.

Eh, I saw it as more of Frances Bean speaking up because LDR specifically mentioned this, and talked about this topic, in the context of her late father. On the gawker article, someone wrote that Frances doesn't really have the right to dictate how people deal with depression, but then another commenter pointed out

Frances Bean seems like an amazingly level-headed person. How old is she now? What is she up to?

Wow, you really are an insignificant piece of sh#t. Please troll elsewhere "sweetheart".

do not engage the chauvinistic troll people! I repeat, do not engage the troll. Its how he absorbs your freedom and yourh

Ken, if you sucked any more at trolling it would be considered porn.

"So you admit that rape exists only in the mind of the female."

What. The. Fuck. Dude.?

everything about this last weeks meme is disgusting and infuriating. So are most of the ignorant fucking comments people make. But you NAILED it for sure. This article should not have been posted. It's classless and shitty all the way arHave you no empathy for that man's wife and kids? So what if the "lusters"

Please go back under your bridge.

I wonder how many anti-feminist crybabies don't understand the rather significant difference between rape and rape fantasy. There's no wonder why it's such a losing battle with you sad fuckers; you're all genuinely daft. Not only are you not entitled to women's bodies, you don't get to control their thoughts,

i don't....think you the word faux is pronounced