
I thought you were giving me a scene to watch to depict that dinosaur of a computer system. Terrific music though. I did love the movie. It's just funny to watch considering what computer systems are like these days. :-}} Imagine if anyone ever wanted to remake that movie how different it would all look by

First thing that comes to mind for me is the movie "War Games" with Matthew Broderick. The big dinosaur of a computer system that the kid hacked into at the Pentagon is hilarious by today's standards. :-}}

Still, they would have a better shot at winning a challenge with Max then without him. With Shirin…..not sure they have any shot at all. Maybe a challenge that is more about puzzles or something but if it's a physically demanding one…'s over for the red team until the merge and I'm thinking they have a few

I think they were stupid to vote Max. Yes, he's annoying. Yes, he stuck his yucky feet in the cooking pot but think of challenges pre merge. You have a tribe of all women, Max and "weak in challenges Will" against a tribe of all physically strong men and one woman. I'd think they would see the value in keeping

This must be where a person should place their random thoughts. My first random thought came right at the top of the episode. It was that I was disappointed in Hali saying…."Nina got what was coming to her". Who still thinks Hali was being kind at TC last week? I thought she was being a bit condescending, but I'm

Yes, no biggie but someone else already pounced on me about it and I've already acknowledged they are correct. Should have changed it in the big post. Doesn't really change the fact that…..they can't as a tribe hold Nina responsible for either challenge loss. If they wanted to drop the dead weight keeping them

She had nothing to lose really though because she was already toast and she knew it. If she had found the courage to stand up for herself and do the challenge, I bet should would have been able to prove herself as she does seem quite fit. Notice how much better than third water run went for them with her

Went back and listened to her comment again and I stand corrected. Still, for Will to call her out for being "dead weight" in challenges is ridiculous. I KNOW I heard him say that. heh. :-}}

Blindfold challenges are always the funniest to watch. :-}} Something to look forward to.

It will be interesting to see if your theory holds true. I was thinking that for Carolyn, since she showed the Idol to Tyler and he's the only one who knows about it, that kind of aligns them to some degree. She needs to trust him with that info. And Joaquin and Tyler seemed to be bonding over their mutual

Yes. That was part of my point. I was responding to the idea posted by Mark that Max and Shirin would align and make Carolyn a third alliance member. My thinking is that it is more likely that Tyler and Carolyn will align with Joaquin and take out Shirin first while they still need to win challenges as a tribe. If

Well that makes more sense. Why not say then that in his work as a New Age Life Coach; he seeks truth and is a seer of real. Sounds a little less nuts then… "in my work as a Coconut Vendor….". :-}}

I'm not 100% convinced that it wouldn't have been better to keep him around for challenges but I do agree…some weird mojo with Vince. He tries to come off as some free spirit accept all people kind of person (coach style) and then he does creepy stuff that seems to have some real volatile potential (Brandon Hantz

Like I said…been years since I've seen the season and the moments you mentioned are not the ones that stand out to me, I guess. I remember always being in Christie's corner. hmmm. Bouncing around a few different recaps and a lot of folks are calling Jenn and Hali "the mean girls". I saw it more as Jenn than

Love the comments and the thought you put into them. I can't say I'm 100% rooting for a Nina win, but I can sympathize with her situation. However, she had to know going in that these challenges would be an issue. I do feel that she needs to toughen up some if she wants to survive. Don't let the young three see

"Max and Shirin are going to end up being part of a powerhouse alliance. I'm guessing Carolyn will be the third in that."

And Vince has such and intense stare, or perhaps I should say "glare". Made me uncomfortable just watching it on TV. :-}}

100% agree. I couldn't stand all the footage of that last night. So many other better ways to make a name for yourself on a show like this. All I meant was for Richard Hatch, back season 1, he was kind of in a class by himself. The first to figure out the game and how to play it right. And by "conversation piece"

Maybe he learned a good lesson from the fall out of the "big lie" and has re-evaluated what he needs to do to get back in the good graces of his tribe. Doing so great in that challenge l last night had to feel great to him. Where I thought he'd be gone fast, not so sure about that anymore. :-}}

It's not what made him win but it is what made him a conversation piece. I think they both just wanted some camera time and thought it a sure way to get some. I personally would rather see camera time given to great strategy moves and game play then silly antics like that but that's just me. :-}}