Like on a gas pump :>
Like on a gas pump :>
But doesn't the texture if the litter play a part in making the cat actually want to use it. Wouldn't they just go for something else in your house that more closely resembled litter? Something that they actually could dig up?
I can't imagine toilet training working for all cats. Since they instinctively like to scratch and dig to cover their poop even if you WERE able to get them to use the toilet, wouldn't they just be waiting for the right moment to poop some where else? (a la meet the parents).
Well Cars in itself is already pretty creepy and weird if you really think about it.
Yeah, I've thought the same thing. It's why I've always liked the chevron cars better. They were cute and the way they talked about the people that drove them made sense. When I watch cars I just can't help but wonder why the different sizes and shapes even exist if not to carry different numbers of humans. Also what…
In my opinion, having the headlights function as the eyes is much less jarring than the appearance of those giant human eyes in the windshield. They could easily just black out the front windows the same as they currently do the sides and I doubt it would be a problem. I think that the main reason for the eye…
WOw only $20 for something like that at the airport. I'd expect it to cost waaay more.
The phone has a nice design but (not unlike many other modern cordless phones) looks like an ergonomic nightmare. I thought the whole point of a land line was to have something that actually fits your head to talk on every once in a while.
I could see myself wanting this as a kid but really only for the video game aspect and at that price point by the time enough birthdays/Christmases had passed for me to have plausibly obtained all the figures... I would have long since lost interest.
The movie you're talking about is called " Sound and fury" and I think you may be missing some pieces to how the story ends.
I think that Pixar merchandisers just made toys that looked like the CGI not the other way around. I wouldn't be surprised if the overall original design of the toys in the movie had a lot to do with how easy they would be to render.
Yea, this is a way better video. It actually looks like it's headed in the direction of non assisted sprinting while using the logical foot calf design of a current running prosthetic.
couldn't have said it better myself. I don't think that android is in trouble by any means.
I think it's more about the sizes of the kids.
Yeah, I read about this in a magazine years ago. It's all real food but its still not edible. The meat is only grilled on the outside so that its uniform. the buns are carefully picked to make sure they're perfect and the cheese is dipped in hot water so it looks freshly melted in the picture. Lettuce and pickles are…
I don't see how superimposing would prove any thing when they've obviously altered the kids to look smaller. I think it's most apparent on the slide. It shows 2 kids on it at once (with ample room for a 3rd) but in the real picture the entire slide is smaller than one little girl.
Didn't they also become the majority share holder of "game stop"stock ? I always figured that was what was keeping them afloat.