That person

@Shivaran: Totally agreed on the HD thing there are still far to many people who don't give a crap about it for it us to be moving in to something ELSE. I could see 3d working for games and movies, but as far as every day shows are concerned it seems terribly pointless.

Sooo lets say you buy this thing. After you've seen it run , walk and jump there's pretty much nothing left. Reminds of of those robot pets that they used to sell. I got one when I was a kid and played with it for all but a day before it began collecting dust. #ropidrobot

@olternaut: Exactly, especially since we all know this is going to be discontinued when BIG SURPRISE no one can afford it. #ropidrobot

WOW It's sad that helio is being erased. Their phones were so innovative and sleek. They just needed more of them. #xbox

@David Moffitt: I completely agree with you on the navigation systems. Maybe getting lost and whipping out the map is fun on a road trip, but its a different story when you're in a hurry and have to find a location in an unfamiliar environment.