
You’ll have to update your list of vehicles to include this one. 

Hellsing the OAV is good for action horror fans.

It the job of each state’s Sec of state to run the election how they see fit. 

Buy your favorite meal and give it to friends.

I work in Wisconsin. There’s a small town cafe where I have an item on the menu. A BLT melt. They were open for takeout during the crisis, but only when I was working. They're going back to normal hours starting this week.  

I’m sure that someone will buy it. The name recognition is enough to get a couple million from a particularity stupid VC.

If he wants to be a leader in space,  he could just fully fund NASA. The simplest solution is often the best.  

I just grilled some pork belly and I'm making ramen with it. 

In my uninformed opinion, it’ll take a while for the robots to eliminate too many jobs. Store managers are a paranoid bunch, they won’t fire anyone until they are certain that customers will on have positive interactions with the robots.

Public radio on a Sunday morning while making breakfast.

With no sports being played, this might set a gambling record. 

This is why I prefer cats. I have no idea what breed he is. He’s orange. He was born is some lady’s garage almost a year ago. He’s currently sleeping on top of thr greenhouse. Where he is not supposed to be.

I’d be interested to know if the second person even knows what her “beau” looks like. Not to be too shallow, but looks factor in to the equation. He might have sent a picture of a random guy.

This doesn’t have much to do with Covid 19.

The chicken version of hotdogs. 

Im cautiously optimistic.  The first movie was good, but was very cheaply filmed. I'd like to see a high def version.  

She got the job because she worked for Ivanka’s fashion company. 

The best part is that the box was changed in February and it took 2 months for anyone to notice.

First, Tiki Torches. Now, Hawaiian shirts.

Robots only ear one thing.