oh fuck yes. this looks fun and twisted and i am HERE for it.
Again, something a journalist would mention.
Subway is so disgusting that spending an hour in the place is unheard of and thereby suspicious? Sorry, it’s my best/only guess.
I said this in the thread about the congresswoman who was campaigning; it’s already insulting that they think we’re stealing, but it’s more insulting that they think we’re such bad fucking thieves.
Fifth times a charm, David Foster!
I’m not old but an admitted nerd. What is “Goss?”
just read the man who was the focus of bbqbecky’s venom is now running for town council. that’s an answer to all this shit; getting in positions of authority.
Relying on your photo, their relationship doesn’t appear very clear.
Nice to see that they left room for Jesus.
She needs to differentiate. Christina’s problem for me has always been that her voice is TOO BIG for this pop shit. Her vocals in that gawd-awful-but-i-loved-every-second movie Burlesque were PERFECT for her. I was hoping she would see that and maybe head to Broadway or do something other than following the sad trends…
Not gonna lie, Rihanna is a high functioning alcoholic and a mean girl. I say this as a fan.
My money is on 3 days.
Has anyone measured how long, after denying incipient plans to leave, do Trump appointees actually last in their positions?
Woman, this would be the first good decision you have made in your entire blighted existence. Get a book deal and bail.
I’m not shocked, I heard him on WTF Podcast and found him to be interesting, but very clearly very, very much so into himself.