
Good. It’s hell when your abuser turns your own children against you. I’m really happy for Maureen in this regard at least.

Logical conclusion: Dana Loesch also wants us to ban the handguns that are responsible for so many deaths in Chicago?

Dear Dana Loesch:

The NRA are a bunch of heartless, delusional fucking maniacs. They need to use a gif from their precious Duke Dynasty and leave Pawnee alone. The nerve of these mf’s.

He knows that his children hate him. He literally has nothing to lose by continuing to punish her

Just keep pushing that narrative of tantalizing evidence and a really good story if you only knew the truth.

I’m going to put that picture on the front of my fridge to jump start my diet.

And people wonder why women “don’t just leave” their abusive spouses. I hope O’Reilly is consigned to the hell he claims to believe in.

I’m actually just guessing he’s going to keep endlessly ‘working to reveal the truth’. Just keep pushing that narrative of tantalizing evidence and a really good story if you only knew the truth.

This giant sack of hot air has been going on and on about how “he’s working on bringing out the truth” regarding his firing from Fox News. Saying that he can’t say what exactly is going on but that “it will all come out” soon enough. I’m betting that’s what this is about. He’s going to somehow try and blame his ex

True story: I sat next to Andy Cohen at an airport over the holidays. He was waiting for our flight, keeping his head down all low. Then somebody recognized him and asked him for a selfie, and he totally turned all megawatt smiles. I totally got the sense of it from watching him that he is one of those people who will

THIS!! I gained the tRUmp 15 and ever since they announced the election results, the constant cavalcade of slime and treachery has been non-stop. Let me be fat in peace, indeed.

Congratulations on your year! Yay you! Getting sober is one of the hardest things that anyone can do and I’m so happy for you!

Nah, she didn’t :)

Francis Bean Cobain’s post is beautiful. I just celebrated my first sober birthday back in January, and I feel a lot of the same feelings she expressed. I fought hard for my sobriety and my sanity, and hope someday that my story will help someone else, just like I know her words will.

I never thought I’d say this about Cardi B, but RELATABLE.

Love her: “Let me fat in peace.”


God, can I just gush about how much I love this show? I just love everything about it. I love how it tackles mental health. I love how it looks at being single. I love how it talks about sexuality and race. I love just about every musical number. I don’t even know how Rachel Bloom did it, she’s a fucking genius. I

In this piping hot exclusive (hell-oooo) from tonight’s season finale of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, Rebecca Bunch (Rachel Bloom) begrudgingly accepts her fate as a single woman and succumbs to society’s most pernicious stereotypes.