
Thank you for sharing. I’m going to my first AA meeting tonight... Gulp. 1 hr and counting. I’m nervous but I know it’s what I need to do following risky sexual behavior last week and a near fatal tragedy on 4th of July night, where a friend of a friend I invited to my apartment, fell off the building roof (and


I have to say, this really made me LOL.

<3 FIONA! I work at a photo agency and we got pics of her in a few weeks ago - I got it in the local paper!

I don’t mean to be an asshole, but I’ll be perfectly honest here... this exact thought crossed my mind this very week. I went on two dates recently with a guy who I met at a bar. Both went seemingly well, no real awkward moments, odd convos (I don’t think at least!), etc..., but I never heard from him again and it’s

The dude wrote a great episode of Newsroom! I remember yelpin’ when I saw his name flash in the opening credits. He was totally my MTV babe back in the day too... humana humana :P

I really feel for these guys, it’s not easy work at all.

Shut up, Randy, amiright?

Same here. I sell content to US Weekly and already got the sad email about how things are gonna go, come next week. End of an era!

YES! you just made my night ❤

Ha! Yes me too, exactly. WWCCT? (What Would Chris Cornell Think?) My high school rock GOD. I thought I was waaaaay too edgy w/my wallet chain and baggy jeans to be into POP! (The Horror!)

All the stars!


DEFINITELY. I have some good gossip; apprently when he lived at a Trump residence (kid you not) he was universally hated by residents and maintenance staff for being a massive tool.

Yes, please! PLEASE, better than keanu... that movie had a cat and I still hated the hell outta it.

Yes pls! That’s a legit dream day off for me. Love a deal. AND daytime movie trip. Sneak in any candy?!


Oooohhh you are on to something my friend. It’s def tickin’.

This was my morning barf already... they teased this nonsene on Today. Make it STOP!

Let’s also not forget the shit-talk he had at the ready for Kim Kardashian on literally the DAY the story broke of her robbery.