Money cannot buy taste, my friend.
Money cannot buy taste, my friend.
As impressive as the obvious Russian corruption is, I think it's worth noting how ridiculously corrupt and twisted spending on the Olympics is even before the Russian kleptocracy gets involved.
12 BILLION dollars to host a sporting event. That is fucking ridiculous. It cost 450 million to launch a space shuttle. The…
god i heard the clip and i wanted to punch his face off his face and then take his skin face and tan it and then put that on a dart board and use it and then attach that to a missile and blow it up and then take the ashes of that and pee on them and then take that and put it under the part of my yard where my dog pees…
If the difference between terminating an anencephalic fetus at 21 weeks and euthanizing a senior citizen escapes you, I'm genuinely concerned for your ability to take care of yourself.
If money is not a concern, what's the argument against socialized medicine then?
Rapists will try to think of anything they can to excuse their raping. Luckily we're not falling for it.
So, in Alabama is this unborn-child porn?
Oh it gets even better (aka like 100 million times WORSE). Alabama also has really insane child endangerment laws that have been interpreted within the state to apply to fetuses. There are tons of poor women locked up in Tutweiler Prison (the only women's prison, where the rape problem has historically been so bad…