
His ‘justification’ is one that this website pushes in every mention of the Kardashian/jenner/Hadid family so maybe it’s time for you to think about the consequences of what you’re telling people?

Yeah I’m really not going to be taking Naomi’s side here - she’s AWFUL. Give me Kendall Jenner ANY DAY. She’s sweet, polite, works hard and is pretty damn graceful about the endless sneering and bullshit that comes with who her family is. Naomi might be an icon but she’s also a violent asshole who is endlessly

What bothers me are the years long leases these characters must have. A longrunning show like Friends or TBBT they’ll all live in the same flats for like 10 years. In the last 10 years I have lived in 7 different places.

What did they spend the money on? The cast are solid but not A-listers with massive salaries. Were they handing out scripts made of gold leaf?

I actually had a lot of sympathy for Jordan in this situation. Most of the time I’ve gotten a strong douchey vibe from him but I think he’s being as honest as he can be about a complicated situation that involves a lot of people he loves. Families are tough to deal with - especially when they include a lot of

It’s way more likely he had no idea who she was and just saw a little old lady as an easy victim. He probably had no idea what the coin actually was - it wasn’t as if it was the only thing he stole. He probably thought it was just a fancy coin that would be worth pawning. He might not have put it together until he saw

So- she sent the design to the royal family, she doesn’t claim any wrongdoing by them - so does she think the Marc Jacobs people were going through Kate Middleton’s mail? She certainly can’t possibly believe Kate Middleton even saw her letter? She got a form response like pretty much everyone.

I’d take £50k to do it - but I say that knowing I’d be AWFUL at the job, would probably harm his campaign even more and ultimately doing the world a favour.

I’ve made my peace with the knowledge my cat will one day eat my face. It actually seems sort of nice to me.

Are we just going to ignore John Cusack actually tweeting to say that TMZ had made that story up?

Pretty sure all of you making fun of a rape victims looks while she tries to get her rapist to face ANY form of justice are all supermodels yourselves right? And have done or given something to support rape victims? Cos with that much ugly in your souls you’d BETTER be making up for it on your face and putting that

Are you ACTUALLY making fun of a rape victims looks? Is that really the depths Jezebel comments have fallen to? You are seriously fucked up.

Thing is - no one will care who’s dead by the time it returns. We’re all to angry at the WAY it was done that there’s no room to care about WHO it was done to. I genuinely don’t know if I will return to the show in the autumn if this is the way they’re going to do things.

They knew EXACTLY what they were doing - they also knew that people would be PIIIIIISSSSSSSSEEEEDDDD - which is why Norman Reedus (their most likeable and lickable cast member) has been front and centre for ALL the press lately. After all who can yell at Norman Reedus? No one.

now I’m hungry.

Scotland -where even our Nazis are LGB.

Where did they get the police report from in the first place? Who is handing out reports of crimes with the victims full information in them? There are NO circumstances where that would work out anything other than terrible.