
I sincerely hope he gets whatever help he needs to help him process this event. Hopefully he will feel he is able to press charges at some point. This is horrible.

Lol, I hadn't watched all of it. He is adorable in his rambling, but I really do have the urge to buy a couple of roasted chickens and use them as puppets.

"We have a dream..."

Oh no. No. No. No, no, no, no, no. No. No. I don't even like meat, and now I want to eat two or three chickens. Whole damn things.

I am not a squee over celebrities kind of person.

Fucking hell. I hope the woman got the help she needed. Horrifying.

It's infuriating, and it should be. People get so rabid over the little parts-like using the name in the paper-and then forget to talk about the parts that are huge and needed to be solved asap.

eta: I mean in a general way all over-not here at Jez.

That's awful. I hate that so many people end up having to work for what amounts to peanuts. Living wages, we need them here in the US!

One of my happiest moments in life was the day I was able to quit work and focus on my writing. Mr. Catjuggalar talked me into it. He worked in retail management for almost twenty years before going back to school. No matter where we go in life, I will always say thank you to him for saying to me to stop, take the

Every single person I spoke with said, "I work here because I like to help people."

Now if only he'd been the Supreme on American Horror Story last season!

I don't even want to think about the toilet as much as this stuff requires me to so. As long as it works, I clean regularly, and I can avoid it unless necessary, I'm okay with life. Life is okay with me.

If it's rolled thin enough it's hard to tell it's there since it goes over buttercream. It's super sweet but doesn't really have any flavor beyond that.

Even if-and I have one moment I am still particularly proud of because it taught a very good lesson-you do think to yourself that your child has gotten exactly what's deserved, you should never laugh at your child. And no, I don't think using hot peppers is a good teaching tool at all.

One time my son purposely broke

I have actually not seen that one other than the old black and white. Ohhh, thanks. Going to have to check that one out now. :D

We've had him since he was a puppy, and he's four years old. We do use his meals, treats, and high value toys as distractions. Some days are really good and others he's scattered and nutty. I think some of the problem is my teenage son who is not always consistent. Like a lot of kids he gets in a hurry, which is

It would have been difficult not to resent being made a character I'd a guess, especially since Christopher Milne did say he was bullied and mocked quite a bit by his peers.

The books, including the poetry, were my son's favorites. We clocked many hours borrowing the 100 Acre Woods when he was little. I always felt

Yeah, I like an element of ridiculousness with the violence. If it's so over-the-top it's almost cartoonish I can take it, which explains my idiotic love of some of the worst comedy horror. My dad and I usually sit down at Thanksgiving to watch Motel Hell together, especially the head garden scene. So stupid.

The whole family works together to train our boy. He's gotten much better about the "stay" command, but recall and food aren't a great mix. He's my first dog, but I'm slowly learning. We use positive reinforcement.

Ugh, I'll skip this. All I ever saw of Hostel was a scene with an eye, and I won't describe it because, to me, it was so horrifying I had nightmares nearly every night for a couple of weeks. Eli Roth's name inspires nausea. I end up feeling sick whenever I see his work.

Our four year old Golden says your boy knows how to live! Sausages or bust!