
thinking maybe I’d have to add a little tape. Now I’m concerned about the logistics of taking it off without ripping the flesh.

This guy thanks you for completing his ensemble

Would wear in good lighting as lingerie. Otherwise, lol no.

Only to Coachella

Mine’s on a chain because I’m a tease.

Even literally naming the child Grandpa is a better idea.

Hell, if grandpop really needs to be memorialized, surely he has a middle name that could be worked into the kid’s name somewhere?

Dibsy on Victrola Snarfingtop

My parents picked my and my siblings’ names out of a hat.

There was a post on r/relationships recently where the father wanted to name their unborn child after his...grandfather, I think. Except his grandfather had the same name as the mother’s rapist. And they’d discussed baby names before, and this apparently deal breaking desire of his didn’t come up until after she was

$29, 000 dollars later, the grand reveal is made

Your baby.

Is named Englebert Humperdinck.

No take-backs.

Who’s this Karmin person channeling Yoko, and why don’t they realize that the grass is where all the fucking bugs live. No thaaaaaanks.

If I were Andy Richter and I associated my daughter’s bed spread with coffin lining, I think I would immediately purchase new bedding.

Ingrid Michaelson, same girl. My leg hair is pretty impressively long right now because I still haven’t accepted that it is spring (it is supposed to snow tomorrow in MD wtf).

If Jon Snow is dead, clap your hands

Unpopular opinion (?) : I actually think this is kinda cute, for someone with who’s slim with narrow shoulders and not a lot of chest (in other words, a model). But that color is NAST, and fuck $128 for a polyester dress.

What is dead may never die.

Doesn’t this mean that Amanda Peet’s husband gets kicked out the marital bed?

He’s as dead as teenagers are dead after meeting Taylor Swift.